Como posso pesquisar e-mails criptografados por gpg com notmuch-mutt?


Estou usando mutt , com notmuch-mutt indexando o e-mail. Eu tenho uma macro definida em mutt para pesquisar várias caixas de correio, usando a integração de notmuch (como sugerido na página man ).

macro index <F3> \
  "<enter-command>set my_old_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode my_old_wait_key=\$wait_key nopipe_decode nowait_key<enter>\
  <shell-escape>notmuch-mutt -r --prompt search --decrypt<enter>\
  <change-folder-readonly>'echo ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/notmuch/mutt/results'<enter>\
  <enter-command>set pipe_decode=\$my_old_pipe_decode wait_key=\$my_old_wait_key<enter>" \
  "notmuch: search mail"

Eu também tenho um email criptografado por GPG. mutt pode descriptografar essas informações e sua pesquisa interna funciona perfeitamente nos e-mails criptografados. No entanto, notmuch-mutt não pesquisa corretamente. Notmuch 0.6 (a partir de 2011) aparentemente suporta GPG, no entanto, isso não funciona para mim fora da caixa. Estou correndo Notmuch 0.20.2. Existe uma maneira de pesquisar e-mails criptografados usando notmuch-mutt ?

por Sparhawk 10.10.2015 / 15:31

1 resposta


Atualização a partir de 2018/03/18: Esse recurso era upstream mesclado e liberado em não 0.26.

Por favor, note:

The contents of the index are sufficient to roughly reconstruct the cleartext of the message itself, so please ensure that the notmuch index itself is adequately protected. DO NOT USE this feature without considering the security of your index.

Veja os comentários abaixo desta resposta sobre como usar esse recurso.


Isso está em andamento upstream , a partir de hoje, 2016/02/09. Citando o e-mail vinculado:

This is the third draft of the series initially announced in id:1449718786-28000-1-git-send-email-dkg at (second draft was in id:1453258369-7366-1-git-send-email-dkg at It differs from v2 in that it incorporates the recent improvements in detecting and processing S/MIME signatures.

From the v2 description:

Notmuch currently doesn't index the cleartext of encrypted mail. This is the right choice by default, because the index is basically cleartext-equivalent, and we wouldn't want every indexed mailstore to leak the contents of its encrypted mails.

However, if a notmuch user has their index in a protected location, they may prefer the convenience of being able to search the contents of (at least some of) their encrypted mail.

This series of patches enables notmuch to index the cleartext of specific encrypted messages when they're being added via "notmuch new" or "notmuch insert", via a new --try-decrypt flag.

If --try-decrypt is used, and decryption is successful for part of a message, the message gets an additional "index-decrypted" tag. If decryption of part of a message fails, the message gets an additional "index-decryption-failed" tag.

v2 addresses the concerns raised from the helpful feedback on the previous series, and adds a notmuch_indexopts_t object that can be used to declare options for indexing messages, including a "try_decrypt" boolean.

Additionally, this series adds a new function to libnotmuch:

notmuch_message_reindex (notmuch_message_t *message, notmuch_indexopts_t *indexopts)

Which allows user of the library to adjust the indexing options of a given message.

The CLI is additionally augmented with a new notmuch subcommand, "notmuch reindex", which also has a --try-decrypt flag.

So a user who has their message index stored securely and wants to index the cleartext of all encrypted messages they've received can do something like:

notmuch reindex --try-decrypt tag:encrypted and not tag:index-decrypted

Or can clear all indexed cleartext from their database with:

notmuch reindex tag:encrypted and tag:index-decrypted

por 09.02.2016 / 11:36