dnf - como mostrar qual url de espelho foi escolhido?


Abaixo está a parte do bash log, o registro completo pode ser obtido no link :

[xiaobai@xiaobai hello]$ dnf --verbose download --source readline
cachedir: /var/cache/dnf
Loaded plugins: noroot, needs-restarting, reposync, copr, playground, kickstart, Query, generate_completion_cache, builddep, download, config-manager, protected_packages, system-upgrade, debuginfo-install
DNF version: 0.6.4
repo: using cache for: spot-chromium
not found deltainfo for: Copr repo for chromium owned by spot
not found updateinfo for: Copr repo for chromium owned by spot
repo: using cache for: rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-testing
not found deltainfo for: RPM Fusion for Fedora 21 - Nonfree - Test Updates
not found updateinfo for: RPM Fusion for Fedora 21 - Nonfree - Test Updates
repo: using cache for: updates-source
not found deltainfo for: RPM Fusion for Fedora 21 - Nonfree - Updates Source
not found updateinfo for: RPM Fusion for Fedora 21 - Nonfree - Updates Source
readline-6.3-5.fc21.src.rpm                                                                                                             623 kB/s | 2.4 MB     00:03    
[xiaobai@xiaobai hello]$ 

Já testei dnf info , o link da url não é um repo url:

[xiaobai@xiaobai hello]$ dnf info readline
[sudo] password for xiaobai: 
Using metadata from Thu Dec 31 19:18:09 2015 (6:13:33 hours old)
Installed Packages
Name        : readline
Arch        : i686
Epoch       : 0
Version     : 6.3
Release     : 5.fc21
Size        : 446 k
Repo        : @System
Summary     : A library for editing typed command lines
URL         : http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html
License     : GPLv3+
Description : The Readline library provides a set of functions that allow users to
            : edit command lines. Both Emacs and vi editing modes are available. The
            : Readline library includes additional functions for maintaining a list
            : of previously-entered command lines for recalling or editing those
            : lines, and for performing csh-like history expansion on previous
            : commands.

Name        : readline
Arch        : x86_64
Epoch       : 0
Version     : 6.3
Release     : 5.fc21
Size        : 483 k
Repo        : @System
Summary     : A library for editing typed command lines
URL         : http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html
License     : GPLv3+
Description : The Readline library provides a set of functions that allow users to
            : edit command lines. Both Emacs and vi editing modes are available. The
            : Readline library includes additional functions for maintaining a list
            : of previously-entered command lines for recalling or editing those
            : lines, and for performing csh-like history expansion on previous
            : commands.

[xiaobai@xiaobai hello]$ 

Como posso saber qual URL ou domínio foi escolhido para fazer o download desta readline-6.3-5.fc21.src.rpm? --verbose parece não mostrar o link. E como posso obter essa informação de url do histórico dnf no futuro depois de sair da sessão de bash?

por 林果皞 31.12.2015 / 18:38

3 respostas


Obrigado pelo @muru por apontar a librepo responsável pelo download.

A solução atual é definir um debug_function e passá-lo para set_debug_log_handler (consulte download_packages.py ) em repo.py :

def download_payloads(payloads, drpm):
    # download packages
    targets = [pload.librepo_target() for pload in payloads]
    errs = _DownloadErrors()

        #START my custom code
        def debug_function(msg, _):
            print("##hole## msg:", msg)
        #END my custom  code

        librepo.download_packages(targets, failfast=True)
    except librepo.LibrepoException as e:
        errs.fatal = e.args[1] or '<unspecified librepo error>'

Este arquivo repo.py pode ser localizado manualmente:

[xiaobai@xiaobai log]$ python -c 'import sys, dnf.repo; print(sys.modules["dnf.repo"])'
<module 'dnf.repo' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dnf/repo.py'>
[xiaobai@xiaobai log]$ 

[UPDATE] No Fedora 24, o caminho é /usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dnf/repo.py .

E agora posso obter o URL link :

[xiaobai@xiaobai test]$ dnf download --source readline
[sudo] password for xiaobai: 
Using metadata from Thu Dec 31 19:18:09 2015 (1 day, 11:59:10 hours old)
##hole## msg: select_next_target: Selecting mirror for: r/readline-6.3-5.fc21.src.rpm
##hole## msg: select_suitable_mirror: Skipping rsync url: rsync://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/21/Everything/source/SRPMS/
##hole## msg: prepare_next_transfer: URL: http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/21/Everything/source/SRPMS/r/readline-6.3-5.fc21.src.rpm
##hole## msg: prepare_next_transfer: Resume ignored, existing file was not originaly being downloaded by Librepo
##hole## msg: lr_download: Downloading started
##hole## msg: lr_headercb: Server returned Content-Length: "2493152" (converted 2493152/2493152 expected)                             ] ---  B/s |   0  B     --:-- ETA
##hole## msg: check_transfer_statuses: Transfer finished: r/readline-6.3-5.fc21.src.rpm (Effective url: http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/21/Everything/source/SRPMS/r/readline-6.3-5.fc21.src.rpm)
##hole## msg: check_finished_trasfer_checksum: Checksum (sha256) 521bd47a3293e694190a237921a9954b20fa41d0e8e38183d186452d4cc62ac8 is OK
readline-6.3-5.fc21.src.rpm                                                                                                             1.4 MB/s | 2.4 MB     00:01    
##hole## msg: lr_download_packages: Restoring an old SIGINT handler
[xiaobai@xiaobai test]$ 

Naturalmente, poderia ser melhor se dnf registrasse esta url para referência futura, ou recuperasse do comando dnf history ou arquivo /var/log/dnf.log .

por 02.01.2016 / 00:24

Para o dnf em si, isso é uma solicitação de recurso adiada . Aparentemente dnf não conhece as URLs. Veja os comentários 4 e 5:

I apologize, I/we have misunderstood the motivation. FYI, DNF actually does not know the URLs. It just knows the URL of the "metalink" and the file name (and some other metadata) of the package. The underlying library librepo is responsible for choosing the best mirror, composing the URL and downloading the file. It means, BTW, that we would need some callback in the library to provide the information to you. Just FYI...

The problem is that we don't know the URL from metalinks, it is taken care on lower level by librepo. If anyone shares the same use case and would like to see this feature, post a comment and you'll get higher chance to have this feature.

por 01.01.2016 / 22:58
dnf download readline
cat /var/log/dnf.librepo.log | grep URL | tail -n1

prepare_next_transfer: URL: link

e você chegou lá o URL de onde o pacote é baixado

por 23.11.2016 / 15:11