Este é um bug conhecido: link
Now I can sum up the conclution of this bug:
1) It won't be fixed in Jessie although it also influences wheezy;
2) For developers: Tigervnc should be included in Debian 9 and replace tightvnc, if not, this issue won't be fixed in Debian 9; probably should consider a Jessie backport when Tigervnc is available;
3) For system administrators and normal users: IF you want to use remote desktop server in Jessie, DO NOT use default desktop (GNOME). If you really like GNOME or other GNOME3's fork (Unity, Cinnamon, etc), then DO NOT use Debian or other Debian based distributions (Ubuntu, Mint, etc). Alternatively, try Red hat based or SUSE based distributions (CentOS, Fedora, OpenSUSE, SLE, etc). They already have tigervnc and can work pretty well.