Acabei indo com o iptables no linux para conseguir isso.
Para, o encaminhamento de IP precisa ser ativado:
echo net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf
E defina as seguintes regras:
iptables -F -t nat
# flush the NAT Table.
iptables -t nat -P INPUT DROP
# set the input chain on the NAT table to DROP by default.
# This way any traffic not allowed by defining a source address gets dropped.
# If you don't provide a -s address below it will allow all hosts from anywhere
# to reach the inside address via the outside ip.
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -d \
-j DNAT --destination-address
# define the source and destination of the traffic allowed through.
# Change the dest address to our inside host.
iptable -t nat -A INPUT -s -J ALLOW
# Drop all traffic on sourcing from inside subnet.
# This won't apply to traffic that matches the rule above
# as the source address will change in the next rule.
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d \
-j SNAT --source-address
# here is the insert magic. Change the source address of any traffic destined
# for our inside host to our vip or owned inside address.
# This way the traffic is routed back to us at the FW.