Laptop dorme sozinho - em logs “Sleep solicitado” - solicitado por quê?


Eu deixei meu laptop Linux ligado com a tampa aberta enquanto ele estava na bateria por alguns minutos, e ele foi para "dormir" (de acordo com o diário do systemd) - suponho que isso significa o mesmo que hibernação? >

Mas meu laptop, por qualquer motivo, não pode retomar o modo sleep / hibernate, então ele acabou de ser inicializado e eu teria perdido qualquer trabalho não salvo que eu tivesse (felizmente, eu não tinha nenhum trabalho não salvo).

Eu entrei nas configurações do sistema KDE para tentar configurar isso, mas a única vez que ele está configurado (no KDE) para hibernar é quando o nível de carga da bateria é "crítico", que por sua vez é configurado para 5% ou abaixo. Mas o nível da bateria não chegou nem perto de 5%.

Se eu correr

journalctl -x --since="2016-06-19 08:00:00" --until="2016-06-19 08:15:00"

para ver o que estava acontecendo naquela época, não há muito o que ver:

Jun 19 08:04:26 localhost.localdomain audit[1]: SERVICE_STOP pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='unit=dnf-makecache comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[1113]: <info>  sleep requested (sleeping: no  enabled: yes)
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[1113]: <info>  sleeping...
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain audit: NETFILTER_CFG table=nat family=10 entries=52
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[1113]: <info>  (wlp2s0): device state change: activated -> unmanaged (reason 'sleeping') [100 10 37]
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain audit: NETFILTER_CFG table=mangle family=10 entries=40
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain audit: NETFILTER_CFG table=filter family=10 entries=83
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain audit: NETFILTER_CFG table=nat family=2 entries=58
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain audit: NETFILTER_CFG table=mangle family=2 entries=40
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain audit: NETFILTER_CFG table=filter family=2 entries=92
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[1113]: <info>  (wlp2s0): canceled DHCP transaction, DHCP client pid 2065
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[1113]: <info>  (wlp2s0): DHCPv4 state changed bound -> done
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain avahi-daemon[918]: Withdrawing address record for on wlp2s0.
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain avahi-daemon[918]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface wlp2s0.IPv4 with address
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_inetaddr_changed: fail to get arp ip table err:-23
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain avahi-daemon[918]: Interface wlp2s0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_cfg80211_reg_notifier: not a ISO3166 code
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain avahi-daemon[918]: Withdrawing address record for fe80::290:4cff:fe0d:f43e on wlp2s0.
Jun 19 08:11:04 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[1113]: <info>  NetworkManager state is now ASLEEP
Jun 19 08:11:05 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[1113]: <warn>  Failed to GDBus.Error:fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.NotConnected: This interface is not connected: disconnect.
Jun 19 08:11:05 localhost.localdomain dbus[943]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service'
Jun 19 08:11:05 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Sleep.
-- Subject: Unit has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Jun 19 08:11:05 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Sleep.
-- Subject: Unit has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit has begun starting up.
Jun 19 08:11:05 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Suspend...
-- Subject: Unit systemd-suspend.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit systemd-suspend.service has begun starting up.
Jun 19 08:11:05 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service...
-- Subject: Unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has begun starting up.
Jun 19 08:11:05 localhost.localdomain systemd-sleep[19112]: Suspending system...
-- Subject: System sleep state suspend entered
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- The system has now entered the suspend sleep state.

Como posso descobrir o que levou meu laptop a dormir?

por Robin Green 19.06.2016 / 09:52

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