Converte o pacote pacman para deb ou rpm?


Dado um pacote pacman (.pkg.tar.xz), existe uma ferramenta para convertê-lo em um pacote deb ou rpm?

Em outras palavras, estou procurando um equivalente a estrangeiro . Até agora, tenho a impressão de que tal ferramenta não existe.

Editar: Alguns detalhes sobre os pacotes pacman .pkg.tar.xz (fonte: Arch Wiki "Criando pacotes" article ):

An Arch package is no more than a tar archive, or 'tarball', compressed using xz, which contains the following files generated by makepkg:

The binary files to install.
.PKGINFO: contains all the metadata needed by pacman to deal with packages, dependencies, etc.
.MTREE: contains hashes and timestamps of the files, which are included in the local database so that pacman can verify the integrity of the package.
.INSTALL: an optional file used to execute commands after the install/upgrade/remove stage. (This file is present only if specified in the PKGBUILD.)
.Changelog: an optional file kept by the package maintainer documenting the changes of the package. (It is not present in all packages.)
por Philipp Claßen 21.12.2014 / 19:39

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