Revista Full Circle
Full Circle is a free, independent, monthly magazine dedicated to the Ubuntu family of Linux operating systems. Each month, it contains helpful how-to articles and reader submitted stories.
Full Circle is a free, independent, monthly magazine dedicated to the Ubuntu family of Linux operating systems. Each month, it contains helpful how-to articles and reader submitted stories.
Ubuntu User is a print magazine for the Ubuntu Community. In addition to reviews, interviews, community news, HowTo articles, troubleshooting tips, and in-depth technical articles, Ubuntu User includes a helpful Discovery Guide for readers who are new to the world of Ubuntu. A free DVD included with each issue of Ubuntu User provides an easy way for users to upgrade to the latest version. New users can boot from the DVD drive without disturbing the existing installation.
Revista Linux, baseada no Reino Unido, na página "Sobre":
A cada mês, o formato Linux inclui:
All the latest news and analysis from the Linux scene
In-depth reviews of new software and book releases
Extensive features on apps, trends and the community
Revealing interviews with key Linux players
Detailed tutorials - from basics to programming
Você também terá um DVD com 4GB de capa apresentando as melhores novas distros (por exemplo, Mandriva, SUSE e Ubuntu), juntamente com pilhas de software - aplicativos de desktop, ferramentas de desenvolvimento e jogos, para mantê-lo atualizado. Além disso, o disco inclui guias e tutoriais extras.
Linux Magazine delivers insightful technical articles on a range of topics related to IT technology, including:
Comprehensive coverage of technical subjects. Recent cover stories have explored topics such as hotplugging, rootkits, virtualization, and cryptography.
Thorough reviews of new products. Many reviews are written by the experienced engineers within Linux New Media’s advanced test lab.
Practical advice on tools and strategies for system administrators. Tips on programming in the Linux environment. Discussions of advanced desktop techniques. aims to be the premier news and information source for the free software community. We provide comprehensive coverage of development, legal, commercial, and security issues. The Weekly Edition is our weekly summary of what has happened in the free software world; our front page offers up-to-the-minute coverage.
Apenas a edição atual custa dinheiro , enquanto os mais antigos estão disponíveis gratuitamente.
Há também um outro e-zine de graça. Eu não sei se alguém percebeu isso. É a revista PClos e você encontrará no link . Aproveite !!
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