Se os seus repositórios são compatíveis, você pode usar zypper dup
. Repositórios padrão + repositórios de comunidades (KDE 47, Tumbleweed, etc.) funcionam bem com isso.
Mas, como Gilles mencionou, pode causar problemas se a versão mais recente dos pacotes nos repositórios não for compatível com a versão mais recente de suas dependências.
Notei que com 11.4 repositórios são bastante compatíveis, o que não era o caso em versões anteriores, quando zypper dup
poderia ser uma experiência dolorosa.
Minha sugestão seria:
zypper up
para atualizações diárias
zypper dup
semanalmente ou uma vez em duas semanas
man page para zypper up
Update installed packages with newer versions, where possible.
This command will not update packages which would require change of package vendor unless the vendor is specified in /etc/zypp/vendors.d, or which would require manual resolution of problems with dependencies. Such non-installable updates will then be listed in separate section of the summary as "The following package updates will NOT be installed:".
To update individual packages, specify one or more package names. You can use the '*' and '?' wildcard characters in the package names to specify multiple packages matching the pattern.
man page para zypper dup
Perform a distribution upgrade. This command applies the state of (specified) repositories onto the system; upgrades (or even downgrades) installed packages to versions found in repositories, removes packages that are no longer in the repositories and pose a dependency problem for the upgrade, handles package splits and renames, etc.
If no repositories are specified via --from or --repo options, zypper will do
the upgrade with all defined repositories. This can be a problem if the system contains conflicting repositories, like repositories for two different distribution releases. This often happens if one forgets to remove older release repository after adding a new one, say openSUSE 11.1 and openSUSE 11.2.
To avoid the above trouble, you can specify the repositories from which to do the upgrade using the --from or --repo options. The difference between these two is that when --repo is used, zypper acts as if it knew only the specified repositories, while with --from zypper can eventually use also the rest of enabled repositories to satisfy package dependencies.