Executa comandos do terminal a partir da programação básica do LibreOffice?


Existe uma maneira de executar comandos do sistema em macros do LibreOffice Basic para que as macros possam fazer coisas fora do LibreOffice (por exemplo, alterar o layout do teclado)?

por user69453 03.07.2014 / 14:05

1 resposta


Sim, existe. Certa vez, fiz uma pergunta semelhante na SU.

A resposta direcionou-me para a função Shell

Uso básico (do link da função Shell ):

Shell(Pathname, Windowstyle, Param, bSync)


the path of the program to be executed.


the window in which the program is started. The following values are possible:

0 - The program receives the focus and is started in a concealed window.
1 - The program receives the focus and is started in a normal-sized window.
2 - The program receives the focus and is started in a minimized window.
3 - The program receives the focus and is started in a maximized window.
4 - The program is started in a normal-sized window, without receiving the focus.
6 - The program is started in a minimized window, the focus remains in the current window.
10 - The program is started in full screen mode.


command line parameters to be transferred to the program to be started.


wait for shell command to finish flag
true - wait for shell command to finish
false - don't wait for shell command to finish

por 03.07.2014 / 15:37