AttributeError: o módulo 'lib' não possui atributo 'X509_up_ref'


Não importa qual módulo eu tente instalar via pip3 install eu sempre recebo o mesmo erro:

AttributeError: module 'lib' has no attribute 'X509_up_ref'

Não tenho ideia de como resolver este problema. Alguém já teve esse problema antes?

gabriel@E1-522:~$ pip3 install ipaddress

Collecting ipaddress

From cffi callback <function _verify_callback at 0x7f0d2e0419d8>:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/OpenSSL/", line 313, 

in wrapper


AttributeError: module 'lib' has no attribute 'X509_up_ref'

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ipaddress 
(from versions: )

No matching distribution found for ipaddress

O mesmo erro ao tentar instalar um módulo diferente:

gabriel@E1-522:~$ pip3 install cryptography

Collecting cryptography

From cffi callback <function _verify_callback at 0x7fd515d659d8>:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/OpenSSL/", line 313, in wrapper


AttributeError: module 'lib' has no attribute 'X509_up_ref'

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cryptography 

(from versions: )

No matching distribution found for cryptography

Eu corro o Ubuntu 17.10. Eu tenho tanto python 2.7 e 3.6


por Gabriel Lafayette 18.04.2018 / 22:38

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