Removendo o registro WINS incorreto


Portanto, tenho um servidor Ubuntu 14.04 que estou tentando executar como controlador de domínio para um conjunto de máquinas Windows.

Eu configurei um DNS Bind9 e ele funciona bem, o ping do servidor de nomes fornece o IP correto: .

No entanto ping o nome do Netbios dá que está errado, eu vi um problema semelhante na troca de pilha Unix e Linux que disse para executar nmblookup -U -R 'NETBIOS_NAME'

Isso dá: Arc<00> Arc<00> Arc<00>

Os últimos dois registros estão corretos, mas o primeiro ... Eu nem sei porque ou como isso chegou lá. Eu não tenho idéia de onde está esse registro, meu único servidor WINS é o samba, mas mesmo se eu definir:

wins support = no

Essa entrada ( .255 ) não desaparece.

por Jack 21.01.2016 / 11:32

2 respostas


No debian,

# service smbd stop
# service nmbd stop
# find / -name gencache.tdb -o -name wins.tdb -o -name wins.dat | xargs rm
# service smbd start
# service nmbd start

Para mim, a entrada do WINS que estava arruinando o meu dia estava localizada em /var/lib/samba/wins.dat

Boa sorte.

por 15.12.2016 / 21:06
# on CentOS 7
# service smb stop
# service nmb stop
# tdbdump /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb |grep <the entry you're looking to get rid of>
# tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb delete <the data from and including the first double quote after the equal sign to the last double quote>
# service nmb start
# service nmb start

Um exemplo

# tdbdump /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb |grep NADA

(65)="NADA \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 1E " key (65)="NADA \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 \ 00 "

# tdbtool delete "NADA
# on CentOS 7
# service smb stop
# service nmb stop
# tdbdump /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb |grep <the entry you're looking to get rid of>
# tdbtool /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb delete <the data from and including the first double quote after the equal sign to the last double quote>
# service nmb start
# service nmb start
# tdbdump /var/lib/samba/wins.tdb |grep NADA
# tdbtool delete "NADA%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%E"
# tdbtool delete "NADA%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%"
%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%E" # tdbtool delete "NADA%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%%pre%"
por 27.02.2018 / 18:46