Como importar a chave OTR no Pidgin?


Como posso importar uma chave OTR existente (ou seja, de outra instância do Pidgin) para o Pidgin (aqui versão 2.10.9) com o plugin pidgin-otr instalado?

Eu tentei apenas copiar ~/.purple/otr.private_key e ~/.purple/otr.fingerprints para o diretório correspondente da nova conta de usuário, mas não há efeito. O Pidgin tenta gerar uma nova chave para a conta.

por bfncs 03.11.2015 / 20:21

1 resposta


Use o keysync para transferir chaves OTR entre vários clientes de bate-papo.

KeySync - One key for all of your chat apps

There are many chat apps that support OTR encryption for verifying messages. Many of us use multiple chat apps, including one for desktop and another for mobile, or one for Mac OS X and another for GNU/Linux or Windows. The trust relationships are only stored locally in the app in a format that is specific to that app. Switching between all of them means that you have to manage your trust relationships for each app that you use.

KeySync addresses this problem by allowing you to sync your OTR identity and trust relationships between multiple apps, which eliminates the need to re-establish those relationships on each new client/device. It currently works with ChatSecure on Android, and Pidgin, Adium, and Jitsi on desktop.

Please note: KeySync does not make it easier to have simultaneous encrypted chats with the same account logged into multiple clients or devices. There are limitations in the OTR protocol that make this impossible.

por 12.11.2015 / 14:03