Unity não carregando após uma nova instalação de 16.04


Acabei de instalar o 16.04 em um novo PC e quando faço o login, a unidade não é carregada corretamente. Tudo o que posso ver são alguns popups piscando no canto superior direito. Eu posso entrar em TTY e quando eu tento lançar a unidade de lá eu recebo esses erros.

compizconfig - Info: Backend     : gsettings
compizconfig - Info: Integration : true
compizconfig - Info: Profile     : unity
WARN  2016-05-14 18:21:59 unity.glib.dbus.server GLibDBusServer.cpp:593 Can't register object 'org.gnome.Shell' yet as we don't have a connection, waiting for it...
WARN  2016-05-14 18:21:59 unity.debug.interface DebugDBusInterface.cpp:217 Unable to load entry point in libxpathselect: libxpathselect.so.1.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory -- full D-Bus introspection will not be available
WARN  2016-05-14 18:21:59 unity.dash.gsettingsscopereader GSettingsScopes.cpp:108 Error fetching protocol metadata for scope: social.scope : Valid key file could not be found in search dirs
ERROR 2016-05-14 18:21:59 unityte <unknown>:0 g_object_set: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
ERROR 2016-05-14 18:21:59 unity.launcher.icon.trash TrashLauncherIcon.cpp:66 Could not create file monitor for trash uri: Operation not supported
WARN  2016-05-14 18:21:59 unity.glib.dbus.server GLibDBusServer.cpp:593 Can't register object 'com.canonical.Unity.Launcher' yet as we don't have a connection, waiting for it...
WARN  2016-05-14 18:21:59 unity.glib.dbus.server GLibDBusServer.cpp:593 Can't register object 'com.canonical.Unity.Dash' yet as we don't have a connection, waiting for it...
WARN  2016-05-14 18:21:59 unity.glib.dbus.server GLibDBusServer.cpp:593 Can't register object 'org.gnome.SessionManager.EndSessionDialog' yet as we don't have a connection, waiting for it...
WARN  2016-05-14 18:21:59 unity.glib.dbus.server GLibDBusServer.cpp:593 Can't register object 'com.canonical.Unity.Session' yet as we don't have a connection, waiting for it...
WARN  2016-05-14 18:21:59 unity.glib.dbus.server GLibDBusServer.cpp:593 Can't register object 'org.gnome.ScreenSaver' yet as we don't have a connection, waiting for it...
WARNING: no DISPLAY variable set, setting it to :0

Eu tentei várias correções que me disseram para redefinir as configurações para compiz e renová-lo, mas aqueles não funcionam. Além disso, quando tento --reinstall unidade ou ubuntu-desktop, ele me diz que eles não podem ser baixados. O que devo fazer? Obrigado pela sua ajuda!

por ataalik 14.05.2016 / 17:31

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