Mídia de instalação do Debian com pacotes não-livres?


Existem alguns DVDs Debian (Lenny, 5.0) que incluem os componentes não-livres do driver de hardware?

por Daniel 15.04.2011 / 16:42

2 respostas


Você quer dizer firmware não-livre? Se assim for, encontrei um link para algumas imagens aqui:


por 15.04.2011 / 16:48

Aqui está a política do Debian - Software não-livre :

Where is the CD image with non-free?

Debian has a quite strict view with regard to the licenses of software: Only software that is Free in the sense of the Debian Free Software Guidelines is allowed into the actual distribution. All the other, non-free software (for example, software for which source code is not available) is not supported officially.

The official CDs may freely be used, copied and sold by anyone anywhere in the world. Packages of the non-free category have restrictions that conflict with this, so these packages are not placed on the official CDs.

Sometimes, someone is kind enough to create unofficial non-free CDs. If you cannot find any links on this website, you can try asking on the debian-cd mailing list.

Perguntas frequentes da lista de discussão

por 15.04.2011 / 16:48