o que o hífen independente de Curl (-) significa?


qual é o hífen independente (entre -C & -O ) neste comando?

curl -C - -O http://www.intersil.com/content/dam/Intersil/documents/fn67/fn6742.pdf

FWIW- Estou seguindo um tutorial aqui .

por Meltemi 07.06.2012 / 18:38

2 respostas


-C - determina automaticamente como retomar a transferência, com base nos arquivos de entrada e saída.

De man curl (observe o segundo parágrafo):

   -C/--continue-at <offset>
          Continue/Resume a previous file transfer at the  given  offset.
          The  given  offset  is  the  exact number of bytes that will be
          skipped, counting from the beginning of the source file  before
          it  is  transferred  to the destination.  If used with uploads,
          the FTP server command SIZE will not be used by curl.

          Use "-C -" to tell curl to automatically find out where/how  to
          resume  the transfer. It then uses the given output/input files
          to figure that out.

          If this option is used several times,  the  last  one  will  be
por 07.06.2012 / 18:48

Ele apenas retomará o download da última posição, de homem curl :

   -C/--continue-at <offset>
          Continue/Resume a previous file transfer at  the  given  offset.
          The  given  offset  is  the  exact  number of bytes that will be
          skipped, counting from the beginning of the source  file  before
          it is transferred to the destination.  If used with uploads, the
          FTP server command SIZE will not be used by curl.

          Use "-C -" to tell curl to automatically find out  where/how  to
          resume  the  transfer. It then uses the given output/input files
          to figure that out.
por 07.06.2012 / 18:48