Se o seu sistema estiver usando o systemd, o journalctl
terá opções de intervalos de data e hora para gerar os logs.
De man journalctl
-S, --since=, -U, --until= Start showing entries on or newer than the specified date, or on or older than the specified date, respectively. Date specifications should be of the format "2012-10-30 18:17:16". If the time part is omitted, "00:00:00" is assumed. If only the seconds component is omitted, ":00" is assumed. If the date component is omitted, the current day is assumed. Alternatively the strings "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow" are understood, which refer to 00:00:00 of the day before the current day, the current day, or the day after the current day, respectively. "now" refers to the current time. Finally, relative times may be specified, prefixed with "-" or "+", referring to times before or after the current time, respectively. For complete time and date specification, see systemd.time(7). Note that --output=short-full prints timestamps that follow precisely this format.
Combine isso com a opção --user
e alguns grep
para filtrar as mensagens do sistema para reduzir a desordem.
Se o seu sistema não usa o systemd, ou as mensagens do seu programa não são capturadas pelo journald, então você pode precisar de algo diferente.