Eu provavelmente faria algo assim:
testing = True
if testing: ##################################################################
infile = '''
key1 = 1
key2=2 # comment1
#key5=5 # comment
#key6=6 # comment
key8 = 8
infilelines = infile.split('\n')
class of():
def write(self, s):
print s
def close(self):
outfile = of()
replacements = {
'key1' :'11repl',
'key2' :'22repl',
'key3' :'33repl',
'key4' :'44repl',
'key5' :'55repl',
'key6' :'66repl',
else: #########################################################################
# as proposed by csny, only open file quickly
# (file is closed after with statement)
with open('sysctl.conf') as infile:
infilelines = infile.readlines()
outfile = open('', 'w')
replacements = {'Net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all' :'1',
'Net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts' :'1',
'Net.ipv4.ip_forward' : '0',
'Net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter': '1',
'Net.ipv4.conf.all.Secure_redirects' : '1',
'Net.ipv4.conf.all.Send_redirects' : '0',
'Net.ipv4.conf.all.Accept_Source_Route': '0',
'Net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog': '4096',
for line in infilelines:
# if # at the beginning (neglecting whitespaces): its only a line comment
# write it directly to outfile and continue with next line
if len(line.strip())==0 or line.strip()[0] == '#':
# try if this is a properly formated line like: key=val
key, val = line.split('=')
key = key.strip()
val = val.strip()
# something stange happend: It was not a proper key=val line
# dont modify anything, just write the line to the new file
except ValueError:
# or comment out outfile.write to delete the strange line
# from the output config file
# maybe you want to allow line end comments like: key=val # comment?
# lets try if the value actually contains a comment
val, comment = val.split('#')
comment = '# ' + comment.strip()
val = val.strip()
# there is no comment at the end of the line
# (the val.split() returns only one value and thus the unpacking fails with:
# ValueError: need more values to unpack)
except ValueError:
comment = ''
# replace the val if the according key in the 'replacements' dict
# with the value stored in the key
# otherwise don't change anything
if key in replacements.keys():
val = replacements[key]
# put together the new line for the output file
line = '%s=%s %s' % (key, val, comment)
Veja os comentários no código. Isso desmontará a linha de configuração, alterará o valor se a chave existir no dict e, finalmente, passará a linha a ser impressa no arquivo de saída. Isso também permite comentários nos finais de linha.