Crie uma pasta no seu diretório home
chamado .fonts
mkdir /home/$USER/.fonts
Descompacte os arquivos e mova-os para lá. Agora, execute o comando no seu terminal:
fc-cache -v
fc-cache-64 -v
E a fonte deve estar disponível agora.
Mais informações, consulte man fc-cache
fc-cache scans the font directories on the system and builds font information cache files for applications using fontconfig
for their font handling.
If directory arguments are not given, fc-cache uses each directory in the current font configuration. Each directory is
scanned for font files readable by FreeType. A cache is created which contains properties of each font and the associated
filename. This cache is used to speed up application startup when using the fontconfig library.
Note that fc-cache must be executed once per architecture to generate font information customized for that architecture.