Vence a resolução do nome do host nss não está funcionando


Estou tentando obter a resolução de nomes de vitórias. Eu pensei ter entendido o passo necessário, mas não consigo fazer funcionar.

A caixa está executando o SLES 12 SP1.

Isso é o que eu fiz:

  • Adicionado um servidor de vitórias a /etc/samba/smb.conf :

        wins server =
  • Ativado e iniciado winbind.service :

    # systemctl status winbind.service 
    winbind.service - Samba Winbind Daemon
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/winbind.service; enabled)
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-05-31 13:25:35 SAST; 1h 27min ago
     Main PID: 32111 (winbindd)
       Status: "winbindd: ready to serve connections..."
       CGroup: /system.slice/winbind.service
               ├─32111 /usr/sbin/winbindd -D
               └─32112 /usr/sbin/winbindd -D
    May 31 13:25:35 vt53ipam01 systemd[1]: Starting Samba Winbind Daemon...
    May 31 13:25:35 vt53ipam01 systemd[1]: winbind.service: Supervising process 32111 which is not our child. We'll most likely not notice when it exits.
    May 31 13:25:35 vt53ipam01 winbindd[32111]: [2016/05/31 13:25:35.636807,  0] ../source3/winbindd/winbindd_cache.c:3235(initialize_winbindd_cache)
    May 31 13:25:35 vt53ipam01 winbindd[32111]: initialize_winbindd_cache: clearing cache and re-creating with version number 2
    May 31 13:25:35 vt53ipam01 winbindd[32111]: [2016/05/31 13:25:35.637881,  0] ../lib/util/become_daemon.c:124(daemon_ready)
    May 31 13:25:35 vt53ipam01 winbindd[32111]: STATUS=daemon 'winbindd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
    May 31 13:25:35 vt53ipam01 systemd[1]: Started Samba Winbind Daemon.
  • Adicionado o wins service ao banco de dados nsswitch hosts :

    # grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf 
    hosts:      files dns wins

Se eu chamar getent e especificar o wins service, funcionará:

# getent -s wins hosts VT53TESTSQL01      VT53TESTSQL01

Mas chamar getent com o conjunto de serviços padrão não funciona:

# getent hosts VT53TESTSQL01
<nothing returned>

Não tenho ideia do que senti falta. Alguma dica sobre como fazer isso funcionar?

por Gary van der Merwe 31.05.2016 / 15:01

1 resposta


Você já tentou reinicializar?

de man nsswitch.conf :

Within each process that uses nsswitch.conf, the entire file is read only once. If the file is later changed, the process will continue using the old configuration.

por 31.05.2016 / 16:53