Para escrever esse pseudocódigo com o Regex


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Pseudocódigo semelhante a Python

directories = ["Cardiology", "Rheumatology", "Surgery"]
for directory in directories
   files = directory.files(); % not sure if such a parameter exists
   files = files.match(.*tex); % trying to get only tex files; not sure if match exists
   summaryFile = "";
   for texFile in files
      summaryFile.add( ...
                textFile.match( (?s)\begin{question}.*?\end{question} ) ...
      % Solution based on this thread
      % Problem in writing this Regex in Perl

save this 'summaryFile' as /Users/Masi/Dropbox/QuestionSummary.tex

onde files é a lista de todos os arquivos no diretório, e summaryFile é o arquivo que lista todas as questões em todos os arquivos tex. Esses arquivos, eu quero finalmente compilar por pdflatex e ler todas as manhãs pelo pdf-reader.

Arquivo de exemplo localizado na pasta Reumatologia

\section{Takayasu arteritis}

{You get a patient. 
What do you notice first in this patient?}
Absence of peripheral pulse.

{What was the first Takayasu case?}
Young woman in Asia with red vessels in the eye. 
So special eye diagnosis done. 
Affects eye.

Fever of unknown origin can be used when you do not know what is causing the disease. 

% Show cases in MedScape and ask class. 



{What you should always include in Takayasu treatment? 
What are the symptoms?}
Blood pressure.
Aneurysms which will burst without treatment. 
So blood pressure decreasing drugs like beta blockers along in combination with other drugs.

{When is the checkup of the Takayasu arteritis?} 
Only once per year. 
You could expect every month like normally in this kind of diseases.
But only once per year.

onde a saída deve ser para todos os arquivos na pasta


{You get a patient. 
What do you notice first in this patient?}
Absence of peripheral pulse.

{What was the first Takayasu case?}
Young woman in Asia with red vessels in the eye. 
So special eye diagnosis done. 
Affects eye.

{What you should always include in Takayasu treatment? 
What are the symptoms?}
Blood pressure.
Aneurysms which will burst without treatment. 
So blood pressure decreasing drugs like beta blockers along in combination with other drugs.

{When is the checkup of the Takayasu arteritis?} 
Only once per year. 
You could expect every month like normally in this kind of diseases.
But only once per year.


   pdflatex /Users/Masi/Dropbox/QuestionsSummary.tex /Users/Masi/Dropbox/QuestionsSummary.pdf
   pdflatex /Users/Masi/Dropbox/QuestionsSummary.tex /Users/Masi/Dropbox/QuestionsSummary.pdf % to compile a few times to be successful
% I am not sure if I should have some error management, since often the pdflatex crashes
% So pdflatex is not probably the right tool to go

Como você pode pseudocodificar em qualquer ferramenta preferida por você? Eu gosto de Python, mas não faria tudo por ele.

por Léo Léopold Hertz 준영 04.10.2014 / 21:10

1 resposta


Se bem entendi, você está procurando por algo assim (em bash ):

#!/usr/bin/env bash

## avoid errors if a directory has no *tex files
shopt -s nullglob

directories=("Cardiology" "Rheumatology" "Surgery");

## Change this to set whichever options you want.
printf "%s\n%s\n" "\documentclass{YOURCLASS}" "\begin{document}"

for directory in ${directories[@]}
    ## Reset the counter, avoid empty sections.
    for file in "$directory"/*tex
        let c++
        [ "$c" -eq 1 ] && printf "\n%s\n" "\section{$directory}"
        ## Extract the wanted lines
        perl -lne '$a=1 && print "" if /\begin{question}/; 
                  print if $a==1;
                  $a=0 if /\end{question}/;' "$file" 
        echo ""
echo "\end{document}"

Se você executar esse script a partir do diretório que contém a Cardiologia, etc., ele deverá fornecer uma saída assim:

por 04.10.2014 / 23:01