Se estes forem módulos externos, tente criar primeiro o kernel, depois instale usando modules_install
como descrito abaixo. Certifique-se de estar construindo o caminho para o seu código fonte do kernel.
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--- 2.1 Command Syntax
The command to build an external module is:
$ make -C <path_to_kernel_src> M=$PWD
The kbuild system knows that an external module is being built due to the "M=" option given in the command.
To build against the running kernel use:
$ make -C /lib/modules/'uname -r'/build M=$PWD
Then to install the module(s) just built, add the target "modules_install" to the command:
$ make -C /lib/modules/'uname -r'/build M=$PWD modules_install
Install the external module(s). The default location is/lib/modules/<kernel_release>/extra/
, but a prefix may be added with INSTALL_MOD_PATH (discussed in section 5).
Se você pretende instalar o módulo em um diretório personalizado sob o diretório principal do kernel (em vez de /extra
External modules are by default installed to a directory under /lib/modules/$(KERNELRELEASE)/extra/, but you may wish to locate modules for a specific functionality in a separate directory. For this purpose, use INSTALL_MOD_DIR to specify an alternative name to "extra."
$ make INSTALL_MOD_DIR=gandalf -C $KDIR \ M=$PWD modules_install => Install dir: /lib/modules/$(KERNELRELEASE)/gandalf/