Como depurar xícaras e samba? LaserJet Professional P1102w não imprime “filtro falhou”


Veja o que tentei verificar:

smbtree :

        \DAN-PC\print$             Printer Drivers
        \DAN-PC\IPC$               Remote IPC
        \DAN-PC\HP LaserJet Professional P1102w
    HP LaserJet Professional P1102w
        \DAN-PC\D$                 Default share
        \DAN-PC\C$                 Default share
        \DAN-PC\ADMIN$             Remote Admin
    \BOB-P7-1298C          bob-p7-1298c server (Samba, Ubuntu)
        \BOB-P7-1298C\BOB_share        yeah
        \BOB-P7-1298C\ENVY-4500-series HP ENVY 4500 series
        \BOB-P7-1298C\HP-LaserJet-Professional-p1102w  HP LaserJet Professional p1102w
        \BOB-P7-1298C\print$           Printer Drivers
        \BOB-P7-1298C\IPC$             IPC Service (bob-p7-1298c server (Samba, Ubuntu))

dpkg -l hplip *foo* :

bob@bob-p7-1298c:/var/log/cups$ dpkg -l hplip *foo*
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                                 Version                         Architecture                    Description
un  foo2zjs                                              <none>                          <none>                          (no description available)
un  foomatic-db                                          <none>                          <none>                          (no description available)
ii  foomatic-db-compressed-ppds                          20140410-0ubuntu1               all                             OpenPrinting printer support - Compressed PPDs derived from the database
un  foomatic-db-hpijs                                    <none>                          <none>                          (no description available)
un  foomatic-filters                                     <none>                          <none>                          (no description available)
un  hannah-foo2zjs                                       <none>                          <none>                          (no description available)
ii  hplip                                                3.14.3-0ubuntu3.2               amd64                           HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP)
ii  printer-driver-foo2zjs                               20140209dfsg0-1ubuntu1          amd64                           printer driver for ZjStream-based printers
ii  printer-driver-foo2zjs-common                        20140209dfsg0-1ubuntu1          all                             printer driver for ZjStream-based printers - common files

hp-check -t -ldebug:

bob@bob-p7-1298c:/var/log/cups$ hp-check -t -ldebug

hp-check[5367]: debug: Device URI smb://WORKGROUP2/DAN-PC/HP%20LaserJet%20Professional%20P1102w is invalid/unknown
hp-check[5367]: debug: Exception: 4 (Unknown/invalid device-uri field)

sudo apt-get install snmp

smb.conf :

load printers = yes
printing = cups
printcap name = cups

   comment = All Printers
   browseable = yes
   path = /var/spool/samba
   printable = yes
   guest ok = yes
   read only = yes
   create mask = 0700
   printer admin = root, @ntadmins, @smbprintadm
# Windows clients look for this share name as a source of downloadable
# printer drivers
   comment = Printer Drivers
   path = /var/lib/samba/printers
   browseable = yes
   read only = yes
   guest ok = no

cat / var / log / cups / error_log | grep -i "erro"

D [10/Dec/2014:15:58:58 -0600] [Job 142] Error: This module is designed to work with HP Printers only
D [10/Dec/2014:15:58:58 -0600] [Job 142] STATE: +hplip.plugin-error
D [10/Dec/2014:15:58:58 -0600] [Job 142] prnt/hpcups/HPCupsFilter.cpp 456: m_Job initialization failed with error = 48
D [10/Dec/2014:15:58:58 -0600] [Job 142] PID 7720 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster) exited with no errors.
por jmunsch 10.12.2014 / 23:11

1 resposta


Etapa 1:

  • Impressoras > Adicionar > Impressora Windows via SAMBA

Etapa 2:

  • Navegar
  • Selecione a impressora
  • Encaminhar

Comoumapessoanormal,escolhi"HP LaserJet Professional P1102w" porque é o nome da impressora.




Nota: depois de ter 20 abas abertas, fechando-as e abrindo mais 20, e fazendo isso para a melhor metade do dia. Reverificando tail -f /var/log/cups/error_log e http://localhost:631 e reiniciando cada serviço sudo service cups restart e sudo service samba restart e sudo reboot now e, basicamente, fica frustrado com a execução.

O que me deu a dica é que não estava me dando a opção de escolher o driver foo2zjz.

Espero que ajude.

Eu estava usando o Ubuntu 14.10 na época.

Verifique também se% samba e cups estão instalados corretamente nos drivers que solucionaram meu problema:

sudo apt-get install hannah-foo2zjs:i386 printer-driver-foo2zjs:i386 hannah-foo2zjs printer-driver-foo2zjs-common printer-driver-foo2zjs hplip
por 10.12.2014 / 23:28