Esses comandos são para um agendador de tarefas. Existem vários diferentes, mas isso parece o formato de torque, que eu estou muito familiarizado.
Torque - link
Aqui está a documentação do torque 5. Você pode estar executando 2.x, 4.x ou 5.x link
#PBS -N NAME_OF_JOB => Sets a name that can be identified in 'qstat' or 'checkjob'
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=20 => Requests 20 tasks, (1 node with 20 processors, 2 nodes with 10 processors ect...)
#PBS -l matlab_user=1
#PBS -l matlab_lic=20
#PBS -l min_walltime=1:00 => The job should run for at least 1 minute
#PBS -q small => => queue or class you administrator has configured
#PBS -S /bin/bash => Shell to use
##PBS -V => Commented out, exports environment variables to batch job
##PBS -m abe => Commented out, specifies when mail should be sent (abort, begin, end)
#PBS -j oe => Combine stdout and stderror into one directory
cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR => Environment variable of where the job runs
cat $PBS_NODEFILE => prints out the output of the spool.