Além de convidado já instalado no Linux mint


Eu instalei recentemente o Linux Mint 14 em uma VM VirtualBox e parece que as adições de convidados já estão instaladas. Eu não os instalei. Como isso é possível? O Linux Mint sabe que está rodando dentro de uma VM e instala-se em si?

por Kartik 04.08.2013 / 12:04

1 resposta


Parece que isso é feito automaticamente com qualquer instalação do Linux Mint:


Re: Virtualbox guest additions - installation problem

by xenopeek on Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:21 pm

Linux Mint comes with VirtualBox guest additions installed and automatically loaded. You shouldn't need to install them again. If you upgrade to a newer kernel (but you haven't, you're running the stock kernel) then you might trip over the fact that VirtualBox isn't compatible yet with the newest kernels available and hence won't compile. That's not your issue I think.

E este trecho

Re: Virtualbox guest additions - installation problem

by xenopeek on Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:56 am

Miss Bit wrote:

Do you mean that when I install a virtual Mint in VBox it knows that it is a VBox machine and then automatically install the guest additions?

Well, not exactly. The VirtualBox guest additions are always installed, regardless of what you install Linux Mint on. When using it in VirtualBox it will load and use the guest additions automatically.

The packages for this are virtualbox-guest-dkms, virtualbox-guest-utils, and virtualbox-guest-x11. Version 4.1.18 should already be installed on your system, unless you removed it prior.

por 04.08.2013 / 15:10