Redirecionar stdout de um programa de linha de comando do Windows em wine


Eu corro um programa de linha de comando do Windows (que eu não posso tornar acessível) com vinho. Aparentemente, escreve algo para stdout e eu estou tentando capturar essa saída, mas não posso redirecioná-lo.

Não importa se eu redireciono stdout ou stderr para um arquivo, a saída do programa ainda é impressa no console e não é gravada no arquivo. Quando eu redireciono stderr, a saída do vinho desaparece, mas a saída do programa é impressa na tela.

wine program.exe > out   # File is empty, program output printed on screen
wine program.exe 2> out  # Wine output gets redirected to file, program output still printed on screen

Se eu redirecionar ambos, a saída não será impressa na tela nem gravada no arquivo.

Editar: No Windows, o comportamento é semelhante, mas ao redirecionar ambos, tudo ainda é impresso na tela.

Aqui estão alguns exemplos com a saída completa.

$ wine program.exe
fixme:winediag:start_process Wine Staging 1.9.23 is a testing version containing experimental patches.
fixme:winediag:start_process Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on

output by program.exe

fixme:msvcrt:__clean_type_info_names_internal (0x100aaa54) stub

Quando tento redirecionar a saída, isso acontece:

$ wine program.exe > out 2>&1
$ cat out
fixme:winediag:start_process Wine Staging 1.9.23 is a testing version containing experimental patches.
fixme:winediag:start_process Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on
fixme:msvcrt:__clean_type_info_names_internal (0x100aaa54) stub

Ou seja, a saída do console do programa está completamente ausente. O programa ainda funciona bem e escreve alguns arquivos que ele deveria escrever. Como um cheque, fiz o mesmo com o pngcrush e obtive o que esperava. Sem redirecionamento:

$ wine pngcrush_1_8_10_w32.exe test.png out.png
fixme:winediag:start_process Wine Staging 1.9.23 is a testing version containing experimental patches.
fixme:winediag:start_process Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on

 | pngcrush-1.8.10
 |    Copyright (C) 1998-2002, 2006-2016 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
 |    Portions Copyright (C) 2005 Greg Roelofs
 | This is a free, open-source program.  Permission is irrevocably
 | granted to everyone to use this version of pngcrush without
 | payment of any fee.
 | Executable name is pngcrush_1_8_10_w32.exe
 | It was built with   bundled libpng-1.6.26
 | and is running with bundled libpng-1.6.26
 |    Copyright (C) 1998-2004, 2006-2016 Glenn Randers-Pehrson,
 |    Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger,
 |    Copyright (C) 1995, Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42 Inc.,
 | and bundled zlib-, Copyright (C) 1995 (or later),
 |    Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler,
 | and using "clock()".
 | It was compiled with gcc version 4.8.0 20121015 (experimental).

  Recompressing IDAT chunks in test.png to out.png
   Total length of data found in critical chunks            =    431830
   Critical chunk length, method   1 (ws 15 fm 0 zl 4 zs 0) =    495979
   Critical chunk length, method   2 (ws 15 fm 1 zl 4 zs 0) >    495979
   Critical chunk length, method   3 (ws 15 fm 5 zl 4 zs 1) =    495354
   Critical chunk length, method   6 (ws 15 fm 5 zl 9 zs 0) =    457709
   Critical chunk length, method   9 (ws 15 fm 5 zl 2 zs 2) >    457709
   Critical chunk length, method  10 (ws 15 fm 5 zl 9 zs 1) =    451813
   Best pngcrush method        =  10 (ws 15 fm 5 zl 9 zs 1) =    451813
     (4.63% critical chunk increase)
     (4.63% filesize increase)

CPU time decode 4.407583, encode 17.094248, other 4294967296.000000, total 17.180143 sec

Com redirecionamento:

$ wine pngcrush_1_8_10_w32.exe test.png out.png > out 2>&1
$ cat out
fixme:winediag:start_process Wine Staging 1.9.23 is a testing version containing experimental patches.
fixme:winediag:start_process Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on

 | pngcrush-1.8.10
 |    Copyright (C) 1998-2002, 2006-2016 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
 |    Portions Copyright (C) 2005 Greg Roelofs
 | This is a free, open-source program.  Permission is irrevocably
 | granted to everyone to use this version of pngcrush without
 | payment of any fee.
 | Executable name is pngcrush_1_8_10_w32.exe
 | It was built with   bundled libpng-1.6.26
 | and is running with bundled libpng-1.6.26
 |    Copyright (C) 1998-2004, 2006-2016 Glenn Randers-Pehrson,
 |    Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger,
 |    Copyright (C) 1995, Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42 Inc.,
 | and bundled zlib-, Copyright (C) 1995 (or later),
 |    Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler,
 | and using "clock()".
 | It was compiled with gcc version 4.8.0 20121015 (experimental).

  Recompressing IDAT chunks in test.png to out.png
   Total length of data found in critical chunks            =    431830
   Critical chunk length, method   1 (ws 15 fm 0 zl 4 zs 0) =    495979
   Critical chunk length, method   2 (ws 15 fm 1 zl 4 zs 0) >    495979
   Critical chunk length, method   3 (ws 15 fm 5 zl 4 zs 1) =    495354
   Critical chunk length, method   6 (ws 15 fm 5 zl 9 zs 0) =    457709
   Critical chunk length, method   9 (ws 15 fm 5 zl 2 zs 2) >    457709
   Critical chunk length, method  10 (ws 15 fm 5 zl 9 zs 1) =    451813
   Best pngcrush method        =  10 (ws 15 fm 5 zl 9 zs 1) =    451813
     (4.63% critical chunk increase)
     (4.63% filesize increase)

CPU time decode 4.339310, encode 17.137527, other 4.294083, total 17.182100 sec

Qual poderia ser a causa disso não funcionar para o outro programa?

stdout stderout io-redirection do vinho

por Thomas W. 08.12.2016 / 13:48

0 respostas