Bloquear ao suspender com LightDM


Eu estava lendo o Arch Wiki sobre como iniciar um bloqueio de tela quando suspenso, mas não consigo trabalhar light-locker para LightDM do meu [email protected] se parece com isso:

Description=Screen Locker LightDM



Depois disso, ative o serviço:

# systemctl enable [email protected]

Reiniciado, mas quando suspendo meu laptop e retoho novamente, simplesmente não funciona, o status de [email protected] é semelhante a:

[email protected] - Screen Locker LightDM
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

nov 17 12:08:37 arch-kevin light-locker[1321]: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error al lanzar («spawn») el comando «dbus-launch --autolaunch=6409fcf6b77741839c02aa4
nov 17 12:08:37 arch-kevin light-locker[1321]: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error al lanzar («spawn») el comando «dbus-launch --autolaunch=6409fcf6b77741839c02aa4
nov 17 12:08:37 arch-kevin light-locker[1321]: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error al lanzar («spawn») el comando «dbus-launch --autolaunch=6409fcf6b77741839c02aa4
nov 17 12:08:37 arch-kevin light-locker[1321]: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error al lanzar («spawn») el comando «dbus-launch --autolaunch=6409fcf6b77741839c02aa4
nov 17 12:08:37 arch-kevin light-locker[1321]: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error al lanzar («spawn») el comando «dbus-launch --autolaunch=6409fcf6b77741839c02aa4
nov 17 12:08:37 arch-kevin light-locker[1321]: failed to register with the message bus

PD: eu tentei light-locker antes em um terminal, digitando:

$ light-locker --debug


[gs_debug_init] gs-debug.c:106 (12:15:13):   Debugging enabled
[main] light-locker.c:126 (12:15:13):    initializing light-locker 1.6.0
[main] light-locker.c:128 (12:15:13):    lock after screensaver 5
[main] light-locker.c:129 (12:15:13):    late locking 0
[main] light-locker.c:130 (12:15:13):    lock on suspend 1
[init_session_id] gs-listener-dbus.c:1882 (12:15:13):    Got session-id: /org/freedesktop/login1/session/c2
[init_session_id] gs-listener-dbus.c:1887 (12:15:13):    Got sd-session-id: c2
[init_seat_path] gs-listener-dbus.c:1964 (12:15:13):     Got seat: /org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0
[gs_listener_x11_acquire] gs-listener-x11.c:172 (12:15:13):  ScreenSaver Registered
[listener_dbus_handle_system_message] gs-listener-dbus.c:1084 (12:15:13):    obj_path=/org/freedesktop/DBus interface=org.freedesktop.DBus method=NameAcquired destination=:1.34

E a partir de outro terminal ou apenas fechando a tampa e retomando, ele me mostra a tela LightDM, para desbloquear minha sessão

Alguma solução alternativa para fazer isso funcionar?

por Kevin Del Castillo Ramirez 17.11.2016 / 18:17

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