Duplicidade: mude para "cadeia de backup secundária"


Corri duplicity quando minha unidade de backup não estava conectada e excluí muitos arquivos em cache sigtar e manifest :

Synchronizing remote metadata to local cache...
Deleting local /Users/justin/.cache/duplicity/a7190bc7f0d9f083cbc7e03931a8c95f/duplicity-full-signatures.20160608T054248Z.sigtar.gz (not authoritative at backend).
Deleting local /Users/justin/.cache/duplicity/a7190bc7f0d9f083cbc7e03931a8c95f/duplicity-full.20160608T054248Z.manifest (not authoritative at backend).
Deleting local /Users/justin/.cache/duplicity/a7190bc7f0d9f083cbc7e03931a8c95f/duplicity-inc.20160608T054248Z.to.20160610T041839Z.manifest (not authoritative at backend).
Deleting local /Users/justin/.cache/duplicity/a7190bc7f0d9f083cbc7e03931a8c95f/duplicity-inc.20160610T041839Z.to.20160616T043456Z.manifest (not authoritative at backend).

Agora, quando executo a duplicidade, ele tenta fazer um backup completo em vez de encontrar meus backups incrementais existentes.

A execução de duplicity collection-status file:///Volumes/DuplicityBackup/ mostra que minha cadeia de backup se tornou uma "cadeia de backup secundária" e há uma "cadeia de backup principal" vazia:

$ duplicity collection-status file:///Volumes/DuplicityBackup/

Synchronizing remote metadata to local cache...
Last full backup date: Thu Jul 28 22:17:39 2016
Collection Status
Connecting with backend: LocalBackend
Archive dir: /Users/justin/.cache/duplicity/a7190bc7f0d9f083cbc7e03931a8c95f

Found 1 secondary backup chain.
Secondary chain 1 of 1:
Chain start time: Tue Jun  7 22:42:48 2016
Chain end time: Wed Jul 27 07:19:47 2016
Number of contained backup sets: 23
Total number of contained volumes: 2329
 Type of backup set:                            Time:      Num volumes:
                Full         Tue Jun  7 22:42:48 2016              2219
         Incremental         Thu Jun  9 21:18:39 2016                20
         Incremental         Wed Jun 15 21:34:56 2016                 6
         Incremental         Fri Jun 17 07:29:49 2016                 1

Found primary backup chain with matching signature chain:
Chain start time: Thu Jul 28 22:17:39 2016
Chain end time: Thu Jul 28 22:17:39 2016
Number of contained backup sets: 1
Total number of contained volumes: 0
 Type of backup set:                            Time:      Num volumes:
No orphaned or incomplete backup sets found.             

Como posso corrigir isso? (ou seja, excluir a "cadeia de backup primário" vazia e usar a "cadeia de backup secundária")

por ConvexMartian 07.08.2016 / 14:43

1 resposta


Eu encontrei esse problema há algumas semanas e o que funcionou para mim foi limpar o cache da duplicidade e remover manualmente todos os novos arquivos da cadeia principal do backend.

por 16.04.2017 / 14:49
