DPKG Status Corrompido


Meu sistema Ubuntu tem me dado problemas sempre que tento instalar ou desinstalar ou atualizar o software usando apt-get .

Sempre que executo esses comandos, ele retorna um erro em relação ao meu arquivo status . O caminho para este arquivo é /var/lib/dpkg/status .

O erro que recebo é o seguinte:

dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 95 package 'python-nova':
 'Depends' field, invalid package name 'python:any': character ':' not allowed (only letters, digits and characters '-+._')
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

Alguém pode me ajudar a resolver o meu problema?

A saída de lsb_release -a; uname -a; apt-cache policy python-nova é:

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Release:    14.04
Codename:   trusty
Linux astanton-ws 3.19.0-26-generic #28~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 12 14:09:17 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  Installed: 1:2014.1.5-0ubuntu1.3
  Candidate: 1:2014.1.5-0ubuntu1.4
  Version table:
     1:2014.1.5-0ubuntu1.4 0
        500 http://ie.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main amd64 Packages
 *** 1:2014.1.5-0ubuntu1.3 0
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     1:2014.1.3-0ubuntu1.1 0
        500 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security/main amd64 Packages
     1:2014.1-0ubuntu1 0
        500 http://ie.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages

A saída de sed -n '80,97p' /var/lib/dpkg/status é:

 high performance Document Object Model (DOM) implementation. Additionally, it
 supports using the XML Path Language (XPath) to find and extract information.
Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/XML-LibXML/
Original-Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <[email protected]>

Package: python-nova
Status: install ok installed
Priority: extra
Section: python
Installed-Size: 38347
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <[email protected]>
Architecture: all
Source: nova
Version: 1:2014.1.5-0ubuntu1.3
Provides: python2.7-nova
Depends: openssh-client, openssl, python-amqplib (>= 0.6.1), python-anyjson (>= 0.3.3), python-babel, python-boto (>= 2.4.0), python-cinderclient (>= 1:1.0.5), python-eventlet (>= 0.13.0), python-glanceclient (>= 1:0.9.0), python-greenlet (>= 0.3.2), python-iso8601, python-jinja2, python-jsonschema (>= 1.3.0), python-keystoneclient (>= 1:0.3.2), python-kombu (>= 2.5.12), python-lxml (>= 2.3), python-m2crypto, python-migrate, python-netaddr (>= 0.7.6), python-neutronclient (>= 1:2.3.0), python-oslo.config (>= 1:1.2.0), python-paramiko (>= 1.8.0), python-paste, python-pastedeploy (>= 1.5.0), python-pyasn1, python-pycadf (>= 0.1.9), python-routes, python-simplejson, python-six (>= 1.5.2), python-sqlalchemy-ext (>= 0.7.8-1~) | python-sqlalchemy (<< 0.6.3-2), python-stevedore (>= 0.12), python-suds, python-webob (>= 1.2.3), sudo, python (>= 2.7), python (<< 2.8), python:any (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2), python-pbr, python-sqlalchemy (>= 0.8~), python-sqlalchemy (<< 0.9), python-oslo.rootwrap, python-oslo.messaging
Recommends: python-mysqldb
Suggests: python-ldap'
por Antoin Stanton 09.11.2015 / 13:26

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