Onde enviar novos mimetypes?


Eu defini novos tipos MIME com o sufixo do arquivo, onde devo enviar meu trabalho, para que ele seja incluído em futuras distribuições linux / unix?

por daisy 22.06.2012 / 07:48

1 resposta


Meu /etc/mime.types começa com:

# This file maps Internet media types to unique file extension(s). It is
# distributed in Arch Linux as the mime-types package, which is based on
# Gentoo's app-misc/mime-types package.
# The table below contains both registered and (common) unregistered types.
# A type that has no unique extension can be ignored -- they are listed
# here to guide configurations toward known types and to make it easier to
# identify "new" types. File extensions are also commonly used to indicate
# content languages and encodings, so choose them carefully.
# Internet media types should be registered as described in RFC 4288.
# The registry is at <http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/>.
por 22.06.2012 / 09:07