“lsof: não é possível ler a lista de nomes de / dev / ksyms” no Solaris


No Solaris, quando eu digito o comando

lsof -l

Encontrei este erro:

lsof: can't read namelist from /dev/ksyms

Alguém sabe o que esse erro significa e como posso abrir a lista de FDs abertos usando o lsof no Solaris?

por dimas 01.03.2013 / 00:32

2 respostas


A partir do lsof FAQ :

17.12.7 Why does lsof on my Solaris 7, 8 or 9 system say, "can't read namelist from /dev/ksyms?"

You're probably trying to use an lsof executable built for an earlier Solaris release on a 64 bit Solaris 7, 8 or 9 kernel. The output from lsof -v will tell you the build environment of your lsof executable. You should also have gotten a warning message that lsof is compiled for a different Solaris version than the one under which it is running -- something like this:

  lsof: WARNING: compiled for Solaris release X; this is Y

You need to build lsof on the system where you want to use it. For 64 bit Solaris 7, 8 and 9 you need a compiler that can generate 64 bit Solaris executables -- e.g., the Sun Workshop 5 C compiler or later, or a recent gcc version like 3.2.

por 01.03.2013 / 00:46

O equivalente mais próximo usando os comandos padrão do Solaris seria

pfiles /proc/*
por 01.03.2013 / 01:49
