Qual é o algoritmo pelo qual o Wifite funciona? [fechadas]


Eu tentei wifite no Kali Linux e fiquei curioso sobre o algoritmo pelo qual ele funciona e outras ferramentas de cracking baseadas em dicionário.

por Abdelhameed Emad 02.05.2017 / 20:05

1 resposta


Basicamente, wifte é um tipo de wrapper para diferentes ferramentas, como: aircrack-ng , como dizem as documentações:

Wifite is a python script which automates the WEP and WPA cracking process with aircrack-ng tools.

Tomando README.md de wifte , temos:

Before you run wifite, please learn and use the command-line tools available with aircrack-ng. Here is an easy guide to WEP cracking and here is an easy guide to WPA cracking. Only after you have tested and successfully cracked WEP and WPA without the use of an automated tool should you use Wifite. This is for two reasons: 1. If it doesn't work, you blame Wifite. * Sometimes you have the wrong wireless drivers, an outdated version of aircrack-ng, or are missing important tools 1. When it does work, you actually know what it is doing. * Don't be a script kiddie. Understand the process being WEP and WPA cracking. I wrote this script for myself because remembering the aircrack-ng commands can be frustrating. Don't let this script enable you to be a script kiddie!

Eu recomendo que você leia os seguintes:

E entenda melhor por que WPA e WEP criptografias não são seguras.

por 02.05.2017 / 21:17