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Talvez você possa baixar os arquivos do jigdo e vê-los. Eles são muito pequenos.
$ ls -lah debian-6.0.1a-amd64-CD-1.jigdo
-rw-r--r-- 1 faheem faheem 31K Mar 22 21:39 debian-6.0.1a-amd64-CD-1.jigdo
De Como funciona Jigdo , Seção 3.3,
Given an input of an ISO image and a set of loose files which may or may not be in the ISO image, jigdo-file outputs a .jigdo file for that ISO image. The Debian .jigdo files are gzipped, so you need to use zcat or zless to view them. Here's what a .jigdo file looks like when you gunzip it:
md5-0=http://somemirror.org/file-0 md5-1=http://somemirror.org/file-1 md5-2=http://somemirror.org/file-2 md5-3=http://somemirror.org/file-3