vgchange -a y
deve ativar todos os seus dispositivos LVM ou
vgchange -a y <vg_name>
para ativar um único,
ambas as ações sem a necessidade de reinicialização.
De man vchange
DESCRIPTION vgchange allows you to change the attributes of one or more volume groups. Its main purpose is to activate and deactivate VolumeGroupName, or all volume groups if none is specified. Only active volume groups are subject to changes and allow access to their logical volumes.
-a, --activate [a|e|l]{y|n} Controls the availability of the logical volumes in the volume group for input/output. In other words, makes the logical volumes known/unknown to the kernel. If autoactivation option is used (-aay), each logical volume in the volume group is acti‐ vated only if it matches an item in the activation/auto_activation_volume_list set in lvm.conf. If this list is not set, then all volumes are considered for activation. The -aay option should be also used during system boot so it's possible to select which volumes to activate using the activation/auto_acti‐ vation_volume_list settting.