Como posso instalar o OpenBSD usando o console serial, sem monitor externo? Com um stick USB inicializável?


Como posso instalar o OpenBSD no meu HP Server usando o console serial, sem monitor externo?

Eu não tenho monitor no Datacenter, mas Eu tenho meu laptop com o Debian / GNU / Linux. Até aí tudo bem.

Como você faz no OpenBSD um stick USB inicializável?

Para instalar o OpenBSD sobre o console serial sem a necessidade de um monitor externo?

por Vim 29.06.2016 / 16:39

1 resposta


Create a USB flash drive with which they install OpenBSD directly from the serial console. Without external monitor. Direct with the Laptop! Port com0 speed 115200

1) Download image from:

2) Enter on the OpenBSD host:




vnconfig -c vnd0 /home/tom/install60.fs

3) mount /dev/vnd0a /mnt

ls -l /mnt/etc/ boot.conf

If no output, then

mkdir /mnt/etc/


echo "stty com0 115200" > /mnt/etc/boot.conf

echo "set tty com0" >> /mnt/etc/boot.conf

umount /dev/vnd0a

vnconfig -u vnd0

USB stick into the usb port

dmesg | grep sd0

sd0 at scsibus4 targ 1 lun0:

USB stick produce:

dd if=/home/tom/install60.fs of=/dev/rsd0c bs=1m

That's it:

reboot the (HP) Server and install OpenBSD with USB Stick directly over the serial console without the need of an external monitor with your Linux Laptop! Chance the BIOS boot order to USB. Plugin the USB to the HP Server an then reboot the HP Server and install OpenBSD 6.0 current with your Linux Box on the serial console.

Open a console on the Linux or BSD Box and type

minicom -b 115200

Now you can install OpenBSD via serial console.


por 29.06.2016 / 16:39