openstack-install Não é possível importar imagens de inicialização


Experimentando o openstack-install, link , em um servidor Trusty - na esperança de obter o Openstack Juno indo - mas tendo problemas com a importação de imagens. O processo de instalação prossegue até "Importando imagens de inicialização do MAAS" e fica parado. De fato, / var / lib / maas / boot-resources está vazio, e está devidamente anotado em / var / log / maas / masslog:

Nov 19 19:02:37 openstack maas.tftp: [WARNING] No boot images have been imported from the region.
Nov 19 19:02:38 openstack maas.tftp: message repeated 3 times: [ [WARNING] No boot images have been imported from the region.]
Nov 19 19:02:39 openstack maas.import-images: [WARNING] Finished importing boot images, the region does not have any boot images available.
Nov 19 19:02:39 openstack maas.tftp: [WARNING] No boot images have been imported from the region.

Mensagens semelhantes são vistas no syslog:

Nov 19 19:07:37 openstack maas.tftp: [WARNING] No boot images have been imported from the region.
Nov 19 19:07:38 openstack maas.tftp: message repeated 3 times: [ [WARNING] No boot images have been imported from the region.]
Nov 19 19:07:39 openstack maas.import-images: [WARNING] Finished importing boot images, the region does not have any boot images available.
Nov 19 19:07:39 openstack maas.tftp: [WARNING] No boot images have been imported from the region.
Nov 19 19:08:08 openstack maas.bootresources: [INFO] Finished importing of boot images from 1 source(s).

Eu posso pingar e fazer wget:

root@openstack:~/.cloud-install# wget
--2014-11-19 19:12:44--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1940 (1.9K) [text/html]
Saving to: ‘index.html’

100%[======================================>] 1,940       --.-K/s   in 0s      

2014-11-19 19:12:44 (38.3 MB/s) - ‘index.html’ saved [1940/1940]

algum pensamento?

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por Nastooh 19.11.2014 / 20:16

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