pcs não agrupa recurso em movimento quando instruído a mover


por alguma razão, não sou mais capaz de mover recursos com pcs

Linux server_a.test.local 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64

Eu tenho 4 recursos configurados como parte do grupo de recursos. Aqui está o registro da ação quando tentei mover o recurso ClusterIP de server_d para server_a usando pcs resource move ClusterIP servr_a.test.local

Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_process_request:  Forwarding cib_delete operation for section constraints to all (origin=local/crm_resource/3)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:       Diff: --- 0.24.0 2
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:       Diff: +++ 0.25.0 (null)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:       -- /cib/configuration/constraints/rsc_location[@id='cli-prefer-ClusterIP']
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:       +  /cib:  @epoch=25
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17292] server_d.test.local       crmd:     info: abort_transition_graph:       Transition aborted by deletion of rsc_location[@id='cli-prefer-ClusterIP']: Configuration change | cib=0.25.0 source=te_update_diff:456 path=/cib/configuration/constraints/rsc_location[@id='cli-prefer-ClusterIP'] complete=true
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17292] server_d.test.local       crmd:   notice: do_state_transition:  State transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE | input=I_PE_CALC cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=abort_transition_graph
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_process_request:  Completed cib_delete operation for section constraints: OK (rc=0, origin=server_d.test.local/crm_resource/3, version=0.25.0)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: determine_online_status:      Node server_a.test.local is online
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: determine_online_status:      Node server_d.test.local is online
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: unpack_node_loop:     Node 1 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: unpack_node_loop:     Node 2 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: unpack_node_loop:     Node 1 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: unpack_node_loop:     Node 2 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: group_print:   Resource Group: my_app
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: common_print:      ClusterIP  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: common_print:      Apache     (systemd:httpd):        Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: common_print:      stunnel    (systemd:stunnel-my_app): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: common_print:      my_app-daemon        (systemd:my_app): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: LogActions:   Leave   ClusterIP       (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: LogActions:   Leave   Apache  (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: LogActions:   Leave   stunnel (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: LogActions:   Leave   my_app-daemon     (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:   notice: process_pe_message:   Calculated transition 8, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-18.bz2
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_process_request:  Forwarding cib_modify operation for section constraints to all (origin=local/crm_resource/4)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:       Diff: --- 0.25.0 2
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:       Diff: +++ 0.26.0 (null)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:       +  /cib:  @epoch=26
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:       ++ /cib/configuration/constraints:  <rsc_location id="cli-prefer-ClusterIP" rsc="ClusterIP" role="Started" node="server_a.test.local" score="INFINITY"/>
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_process_request:  Completed cib_modify operation for section constraints: OK (rc=0, origin=server_d.test.local/crm_resource/4, version=0.26.0)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17292] server_d.test.local       crmd:     info: abort_transition_graph:       Transition aborted by rsc_location.cli-prefer-ClusterIP 'create': Configuration change | cib=0.26.0 source=te_update_diff:456 path=/cib/configuration/constraints complete=true
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17292] server_d.test.local       crmd:     info: handle_response:      pe_calc calculation pe_calc-dc-1523016986-67 is obsolete
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: determine_online_status:      Node server_a.test.local is online
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: determine_online_status:      Node server_d.test.local is online
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: unpack_node_loop:     Node 1 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: unpack_node_loop:     Node 2 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: unpack_node_loop:     Node 1 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: unpack_node_loop:     Node 2 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: group_print:   Resource Group: my_app
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: common_print:      ClusterIP  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: common_print:      Apache     (systemd:httpd):        Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: common_print:      stunnel    (systemd:stunnel-my_app): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: common_print:      my_app-daemon        (systemd:my_app): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: LogActions:   Leave   ClusterIP       (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: LogActions:   Leave   Apache  (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: LogActions:   Leave   stunnel (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:     info: LogActions:   Leave   my_app-daemon     (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local    pengine:   notice: process_pe_message:   Calculated transition 9, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-19.bz2
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17292] server_d.test.local       crmd:     info: do_state_transition:  State transition S_POLICY_ENGINE -> S_TRANSITION_ENGINE | input=I_PE_SUCCESS cause=C_IPC_MESSAGE origin=handle_response
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17292] server_d.test.local       crmd:     info: do_te_invoke: Processing graph 9 (ref=pe_calc-dc-1523016987-68) derived from /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-19.bz2
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17292] server_d.test.local       crmd:   notice: run_graph:    Transition 9 (Complete=0, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=0, Incomplete=0, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-19.bz2): Complete
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17292] server_d.test.local       crmd:     info: do_log:       Input I_TE_SUCCESS received in state S_TRANSITION_ENGINE from notify_crmd
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17292] server_d.test.local       crmd:   notice: do_state_transition:  State transition S_TRANSITION_ENGINE -> S_IDLE | input=I_TE_SUCCESS cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=notify_crmd
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_file_backup:      Archived previous version as /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib-34.raw
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_file_write_with_digest:   Wrote version 0.25.0 of the CIB to disk (digest: 7511cba55b6c2f2f481a51d5585b8d36)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_file_write_with_digest:   Reading cluster configuration file /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.tPIv7m (digest: /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.OwHiKz)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_file_backup:      Archived previous version as /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib-35.raw
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_file_write_with_digest:   Wrote version 0.26.0 of the CIB to disk (digest: 7f962ed676a49e84410eee2ee04bae8c)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_file_write_with_digest:   Reading cluster configuration file /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.MnRP4u (digest: /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.B5sWNH)
Apr 06 12:16:31 [17287] server_d.test.local        cib:     info: cib_process_ping:     Reporting our current digest to server_d.test.local: 8182592cb4922cbf007158ab0a277190 for 0.26.0 (0x5575234afde0 0)

Importante notar que, se eu executar pcs cluster stop server_b.test.local , todos os recursos dentro do grupo configure são movidos para o outro nó.

O que está acontecendo? Como eu disse, funcionou e nenhuma mudança foi feita desde então.

Obrigado antecipadamente!


pcs config

[root@server_a ~]# pcs config
Cluster Name: my_app_cluster
Corosync Nodes:
 server_a.test.local server_d.test.local
Pacemaker Nodes:
 server_a.test.local server_d.test.local

 Group: my_app
  Resource: ClusterIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
   Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip=
   Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-monitor-interval-10s)
               start interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-start-interval-0s)
               stop interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-stop-interval-0s)
  Resource: Apache (class=systemd type=httpd)
   Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (Apache-monitor-interval-60)
               start interval=0s timeout=100 (Apache-start-interval-0s)
               stop interval=0s timeout=100 (Apache-stop-interval-0s)
  Resource: stunnel (class=systemd type=stunnel-my_app)
   Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (stunnel-monitor-interval-60)
               start interval=0s timeout=100 (stunnel-start-interval-0s)
               stop interval=0s timeout=100 (stunnel-stop-interval-0s)
  Resource: my_app-daemon (class=systemd type=my_app)
   Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (my_app-daemon-monitor-interval-60)
               start interval=0s timeout=100 (my_app-daemon-start-interval-0s)
               stop interval=0s timeout=100 (my_app-daemon-stop-interval-0s)

Stonith Devices:
Fencing Levels:

Location Constraints:
  Resource: Apache
    Enabled on: server_d.test.local (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-Apache)
  Resource: ClusterIP
    Enabled on: server_a.test.local (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-ClusterIP)
  Resource: my_app-daemon
    Enabled on: server_a.test.local (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-my_app-daemon)
  Resource: stunnel
    Enabled on: server_a.test.local (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-stunnel)
Ordering Constraints:
Colocation Constraints:
Ticket Constraints:

 No alerts defined

Resources Defaults:
 No defaults set
Operations Defaults:
 No defaults set

Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: my_app_cluster
 dc-version: 1.1.16-12.el7_4.8-94ff4df
 have-watchdog: false
 stonith-enabled: false



Quando eu executo crm_simulate -sL , recebo a seguinte saída:

[root@server_a ~]# crm_simulate -sL

    Current cluster status:
    Online: [ server_a.test.local server_d.test.local ]

     Resource Group: my_app
         ClusterIP  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started server_a.test.local
         Apache     (systemd:httpd):        Started server_a.test.local
         stunnel    (systemd:stunnel-my_app): Started server_a.test.local
         my_app-daemon        (systemd:my_app): Started server_a.test.local

    Allocation scores:
    group_color: my_app allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
    group_color: my_app allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
    group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
    group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: INFINITY
    group_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
    group_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: INFINITY
    group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
    group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
    group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
    group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
    native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
    native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: INFINITY
    native_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
    native_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY
    native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
    native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY
    native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
    native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY

    Transition Summary:

Em seguida, apaguei todos os recursos e os adicionei de volta (novamente como antes - tenho isso documentado) e, ao executar o comando crm_simulate -sL , obtenho agora resultados diferentes:

[root@server_a ~]# crm_simulate -sL

Current cluster status:
Online: [ server_a.test.local server_d.test.local ]

 Resource Group: my_app
     ClusterIP  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started server_a.test.local
     Apache     (systemd:httpd):        Started server_a.test.local
     stunnel    (systemd:stunnel-my_app.service): Started server_a.test.local
     my_app-daemon        (systemd:my_app.service): Started server_a.test.local

Allocation scores:
group_color: my_app allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
native_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
native_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY

E eu sou capaz de mover recursos, mas quando executo e executo o comando crm_simulate -sL , ele obtém uma saída diferente da anterior!

[root@server_a ~]# crm_simulate -sL

Current cluster status:
Online: [ server_a.test.local server_d.test.local ]

 Resource Group: my_app
     ClusterIP  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started server_d.test.local
     Apache     (systemd:httpd):        Started server_d.test.local
     stunnel    (systemd:stunnel-my_app.service): Started server_d.test.local
     my_app-daemon        (systemd:my_app.service): Started server_d.test.local

Allocation scores:
group_color: my_app allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: INFINITY
group_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: INFINITY
native_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0

Transition Summary:

Eu estou meio confuso: / É um comportamento esperado?

por yesOrMaybeWhatever 06.04.2018 / 15:14

2 respostas


Não tenho certeza se acertou sua última resposta, mas dei uma olhada mais de perto em man pcs e achei isso:

move [destination node] [--master] [lifetime=] [--wait[=n]] Move the resource off the node it is currently running on by creating a -INFINITY location constraint to ban the node. If destination node is specified the resource will be moved to that node by creating an INFINITY location constraint to prefer the destination node. If --master is used the scope of the command is limited to the master role and you must use the master id (instead of the resource id). If lifetime is specified then the constraint will expire after that time, otherwise it defaults to infinity and the constraint can be cleared manually with 'pcs resource clear' or 'pcs constraint delete'. If --wait is specified, pcs will wait up to 'n' seconds for the resource to move and then return 0 on success or 1 on error. If 'n' is not specified it defaults to 60 minutes. If you want the resource to preferably avoid running on some nodes but be able to failover to them use 'pcs location avoids'.

Usando pcs resource clear , limpei a restrição e pude mover os recursos.

por 19.04.2018 / 10:12

As restrições de preferência score:INFINITY em todos os seus recursos agrupados provavelmente são o problema. INFINITY é realmente igual a 1,000,000 no Pacemaker, que é o valor mais alto que pode ser atribuído a uma pontuação.

O seguinte é verdadeiro ao trabalhar com INFINITY (da documentação do ClusterLabs):

6.1.1. Infinity Math 
  Pacemaker implements INFINITY (or equivalently, +INFINITY) 
  internally as a score of 1,000,000. Addition and subtraction 
  with it follow these three basic rules: 

  Any value + INFINITY =  INFINITY 
  Any value - INFINITY = -INFINITY 

Tente alterar suas pontuações de preferência para algo como 1,000 ou 10,000 em vez de INFINITY e execute seu teste novamente.

por 11.04.2018 / 00:18