Como funciona o ciclo de lançamento do Manjaro? [fechadas]


Eu estou querendo saber como o ciclo de lançamento do Manjaro se encaixa com ele sendo uma versão de lançamento.

por user 10.01.2016 / 02:24

1 resposta


A resposta que encontrei foi de wiki do Manjaro

These releases are more accurately new snapshots of the Manjaro system. Just like photographs, these snapshots are in essence images that portray the Manjaro system at a particular point in its development. As such, one purpose they serve is to help the developers to both chart and evaluate the continued development of the Manjaro system, as it is of course easier to pick up on the finer details from a single image than from a moving picture. Furthermore, due to being in a beta stage of development, Manjaro is evolving at a very rapid pace. Existing users may themselves have noticed how frequently new software updates and upgrades have become available, and how much the system has changed in only a few months. As a consequence, a snapshot of the Manjaro system --again rather like a photograph-- will very quickly become out of date. New snapshots are therefore released in order to make life easier for new users, who may otherwise be faced with the prospect of downloading huge volumes of new software packages to update and upgrade their newly installed systems from an older ISO. Where these snapshots most obviously differ is in the choice of pre-installed software applications provided, as well as other smaller tweaks such as the default theme(s) used; however, the core Manjaro system running underneath is the same and any applications added or removed from a particular snapshot can also be added or removed from an existing installation. And, of course, users will tweak and customise their own systems in accordance with their own personal preferences and tastes, anyway. Again, irrespective of whatever release of Manjaro has been installed, provided it is kept up to date, then that will be the latest version available.

por 10.01.2016 / 03:02