Script Issue (Incrementation) [closed]


Estou escrevendo um script no bash. Minha saída abaixo está errada. Os dados de teste que estou tirando, fazem com que todas as conexões permitidas e negadas devam estar no tempo "00", mas para cada dia que eu rastejo, elas vão para a próxima hora. Eu tenho meu código abaixo e saio da amostra na parte inferior. Pode me ajudar? Está me dando dor de cabeça.



echo "Enter the month of the file you're trying to read"
echo "If month is one number enter one number if two numbers enter two numbers"
read M

#case staement changes M input into a month an reassigns single digit months into double digit
if [[ $M -lt 13 && $M -gt 0 ]]
case "$M" in
"1") month="Jan" ; M="01" ; Dlim="31"
"2") month="Feb" ; M="02" ; Dlim="29"
"3") month="Mar" ; M="03" ; Dlim="31"
"4") month="Apr" ; M="04" ; Dlim="30"
"5") month="May" ; M="05" ; Dlim="31"
"6") month="Jun" ; M="06" ; Dlim="30"
"7") month="Jul" ; M="07" ; Dlim="31"
"8") month="Aug" ; M="08" ; Dlim="31"
"9") month="Sep" ; M="09" ; Dlim="30"
"10") month="Oct" ; Dlim="31"
"11") month="Nov" ; Dlim="30"
"12") month="Dec" ; Dlim="31"
echo "Please make sure to enter a valid month."
read M

echo -e ""

echo "Enter the year of the file you're trying to read"
read Y

echo -e ""

for D in $(seq -f "%02g" 1 5); do
File=($(find -name "traffic_$M-$D-$Y"))
echo "-------------------------DAY $D-------------------------" >> Result
  for i in $(seq -f "%02g" 0 23); do
    grep "$month $i" $File > TempOutput
    countAllow=($(grep -c "allow" TempOutput))
    countDeny=($(grep -c "deny" TempOutput))
    echo -e "$countAllow            connections     allowed     at  $i time" >> Result
    echo -e "$countDeny             connections     denied  at  $i        time\n" >> Result
rm TempOutput
-------------------------DAY 01-------------------------

0           connections     allowed     at  00 time
0           connections     denied  at  00 time

77          connections     allowed     at  01 time
25          connections     denied  at  01 time

0           connections     allowed     at  02 time
0           connections     denied  at  02 time

-------------------------DAY 02-------------------------

0           connections     allowed     at  00 time
0           connections     denied  at  00 time

0           connections     allowed     at  01 time
0           connections     denied  at  01 time

76          connections     allowed     at  02 time
26          connections     denied  at  02 time
por Roboman1723 10.06.2014 / 15:59

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