Como "os dois lados vão simplesmente parar"? Você realmente observa isso?
Citação de "TCP / IP Illustrated, Volume 1, 2nd edition" p. 628:
The reset segment contains a sequence number and acknowledgement number. Also notice that the reset segment elicits no response from the other end—it is not acknowledged at all. The receiver of the reset aborts the connection and advises the application that the connection was reset. This often results in the error indication "Connection reset by peer" or a similar message.
E na página anterior:
Aborting a connecting provides two features...any queued data is thrown away and a reset segment is sent immediately...the receiver of the reset can tell that the other end did an abort instead of a normal close.
(Você também pode querer rever a opção de socket SO_LINGER
que pode ser usada pelo socket de escuta da sua aplicação.)