Você aparentemente tem sua resposta nos comentários. Eu escreveria seu código assim, o que elimina a necessidade de chamar seus scripts time
e check.sh
. Também reduz a duplicação de código.
# assign command line arguments to variables
# First Argument is Ip Address
# Seond Argument is UserName
# Third Argument is Password
# Fourth Argument is Path to the source File to be copied (Keeping in mind that this path is concatenated with the second path in the program)
# Fifth Argument is the destination path
lassign $argv ip user password file1 file2
set start [clock milliseconds]
set scp_args {-p}
if {[file isdirectory $file1]} {
puts "It is a directory"
lappend scp_args "-r"
set c [exec find $file1 -type f | wc -l]
} elseif {[file isfile $file1]} {
puts "It is a file"
set c 1
} else {
puts "$file1 is a [file type $file1]"
exit 1
puts "Number of Files to be copied: $c"
#Set the timeout time for scp command
set timeout 5
#Executes the scp command
spawn scp {*}$scp_args $file1 $user@$ip:$file2
expect "password:"
send "$password\r"
expect eof
set end [clock milliseconds]
set elapsed [expr {($end - $start) / 1000.0}]
puts [format "duration: %.3f seconds" $elapsed]