Adiciona e executa o pacote para Defrag um volume Ext3 fragmentado em BusyBox no Synology CS407? Como?


Adicionar & executar o pacote para Defrag um volume Ext3 fragmentado em BusyBox no Synology CS407? Como?

Nota: Desmistificando o mito do Linux Filesystems não sendo fragmentado. link

But that's a common misconception and in some cases you do have to defragment your Linux filesystems. This is even confirmed by an Ubuntu developer on a very recent post I stumbled upon just a few minutes ago about ureadahead on the ubuntuforums.
De: Postagem dos Fóruns do Ubuntu: link
The only way to avoid this is defragmenting your disk.

But Linux filesystems don't need defragmenting!

Whoever told you that is deeply mistaken, this is one of the most common myths of Linux.

What is true is that Linux filesystems avoid, where possible, fragmenting their inode tables. This means that the index of how files are split up (fragmented) across the disk, and where those parts are, tends to be kept together as a whole.

That's a good thing; fragmentation of inode tables is a big problem for other filesystems (FATs in that filesystem, etc.) so by keeping them together, it wins a lot of performance.

But the data itself is still fragmented, and spread all over your disk in a random order. And unfortunately during boot, it's the data we need.

One of the future things we want to do is use the ureadahead analysis of what we need during boot to feed into a defragmenter, so everything we need is in one big block on the disk.


Apparently, the CS407 uses a Marvel processer 88f5281 so it might need something like a specially built optware/ entware first. Please, do guide more in this direction if possible.

Com base nos passos & lições nestes 2 links eu corri o seguinte (coisas chave marcadas e em negrito com o Asterix duplo):

Versão do Busybox:
BusyBox v1.16.1 (2011-04-08 10:15:04 CST) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

Input da linha de comando & Saída:
CubeStation> /usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/ stop CubeStation> df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/md0 2451064 478484 1870180 20% / /tmp 63396 288 63108 0% /tmp /dev/md2 2879637816 2336710312 542825104 81% /volume1 CubeStation> unmount /volume1 -ash: unmount: not found CubeStation> sudo unmount /volume1 -ash: sudo: not found CubeStation> syno_poweroff_task CubeStation> df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/md0 2451064 478460 1870204 20% / /tmp 63396 284 63112 0% /tmp CubeStation> vgdisplay CubeStation> e2fsck -v -n -f /dev/md2 e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010) Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes Pass 2: Checking directory structure Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity /lost+found not found. Create? no Pass 4: Checking reference counts Pass 5: Checking group summary information 1.41.12-1613: ********** WARNING: Filesystem still has errors ********** 42150 inodes used (0.02%) 3618 non-contiguous files (8.6%) 20 non-contiguous directories (0.0%) # of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 20326/8705/71 595654428 blocks used (81.44%) 0 bad blocks 114 large files 36634 regular files 4434 directories 0 character device files 0 block device files 0 fifos 1 link 1073 symbolic links (1073 fast symbolic links) 0 sockets

  • Eu não sou um especialista em * Nix, mas tenho um CS & TI fundo e estou bem com a execução de coisas na linha de comando. Eu li muito, mas apenas gostaria de juntar os pacotes / componentes compatíveis corretos (para este sistema) & passos aqui.
  • Eu estou supondo que isso pode estar faltando alguns pacotes / componentes que me fornecerão a capacidade de executar um Defrag.
  • Devo / Posso instalá-los (os links acima)? Quais e & como?
  • Qual a melhor forma de executá-los?

O que posso fazer para DEFRAGAR o volume FS & os dados não contíguos?

por Alex S 10.04.2017 / 03:49

1 resposta


Ao executar comandos da Internet, é sempre bom verificar o que os comandos fazem com a página de manual.

No seu caso específico, o seu comando e2fsck:

e2fsck -v -n -f /dev/md2

Se verificarmos o que esses comandos fazem na página do manual do e2fsck , você verá:

-n Open the filesystem read-only, and assume an answer of ‘no’ to all questions. Allows e2fsck to be used non-interactively. (Note: if the -c, -l, or -L options are specified in addition to the -n option, then the filesystem will be opened read-write, to permit the bad-blocks list to be updated. However, no other changes will be made to the filesystem.)

Então, o que o sinalizador -n faz é fazer uma verificação de disco sem reparar quaisquer problemas encontrados. Você deseja remover esse sinalizador para permitir a correção de problemas. Você receberá instruções para cada problema que o e2fsck encontrou e tentará fazer reparos. Se você quiser que o e2fsck apenas conserte tudo sem avisos, adicione -p flag:

-p Automatically repair ("preen") the file system without any questions.

por 10.04.2017 / 04:33