Erro ao conectar-se à VPN usando o network-manager, enquanto a linha de comando funciona


Se eu tentar conectar-me à minha VPN usando o Network Manager, ele falhará e /var/log/syslog será:

Dec  4 17:43:25 zepto nm-openvpn[1696]: OpenVPN 2.3.4 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] [MH] [IPv6] built on Nov 12 2015
Dec  4 17:43:25 zepto nm-openvpn[1696]: library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.1t  3 May 2016, LZO 2.08
Dec  4 17:43:25 zepto nm-openvpn[1696]: WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled.  See for more info.
Dec  4 17:43:25 zepto nm-openvpn[1696]: NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts
Dec  4 17:43:25 zepto nm-openvpn[1696]: UDPv4 link local: [undef]
Dec  4 17:43:25 zepto nm-openvpn[1696]: UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]
Dec  4 17:44:06 zepto NetworkManager[484]: <warn> VPN connection 'VPN FDN' connect timeout exceeded.
Dec  4 17:44:06 zepto nm-openvpn[1696]: SIGTERM[hard,] received, process exiting
Dec  4 17:44:06 zepto NetworkManager[484]: nm-openvpn-Message: Terminated openvpn daemon with PID 1696.
Dec  4 17:44:11 zepto kernel: [  387.184894] perf interrupt took too long (2508 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000

Mas se eu tentar conectar via linha de comando, tudo está bem:

openvpn /foo/vpn.ovpn
Sun Dec  4 17:45:30 2016 Option 'nobind' in /foo/vpn.ovpn:56 is ignored by previous <connection> blocks 
Sun Dec  4 17:45:30 2016 OpenVPN 2.3.4 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] [MH] [IPv6] built on Nov 12 2015
Sun Dec  4 17:45:30 2016 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.1t  3 May 2016, LZO 2.08
Enter Auth Username: ***************************
Enter Auth Password: ***************************
Sun Dec  4 17:45:40 2016 Socket Buffers: R=[87380->131072] S=[16384->131072]
Sun Dec  4 17:45:42 2016 Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET] [nonblock]
Sun Dec  4 17:45:43 2016 TCP connection established with [AF_INET]
Sun Dec  4 17:45:43 2016 TCPv4_CLIENT link local: [undef]
Sun Dec  4 17:45:43 2016 TCPv4_CLIENT link remote: [AF_INET]
Sun Dec  4 17:45:43 2016 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=e4a11fe9 9defe9fa
Sun Dec  4 17:45:43 2016 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this
Sun Dec  4 17:45:46 2016 VERIFY OK: depth=2, O=Root CA, OU=, CN=CA Cert Signing Authority, [email protected]
Sun Dec  4 17:45:46 2016 VERIFY OK: depth=1, O=CAcert Inc., OU=, CN=CAcert Class 3 Root
Sun Dec  4 17:45:46 2016 VERIFY X509NAME OK: CN=*
Sun Dec  4 17:45:46 2016 VERIFY OK: depth=0, CN=*
Sun Dec  4 17:45:47 2016 WARNING: 'tun-ipv6' is present in remote config but missing in local config, remote='tun-ipv6'
Sun Dec  4 17:45:47 2016 Data Channel Encrypt: Cipher 'BF-CBC' initialized with 128 bit key
Sun Dec  4 17:45:47 2016 Data Channel Encrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
Sun Dec  4 17:45:47 2016 Data Channel Decrypt: Cipher 'BF-CBC' initialized with 128 bit key
Sun Dec  4 17:45:47 2016 Data Channel Decrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication                                             
Sun Dec  4 17:45:47 2016 Control Channel: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 2048 bit RSA                                                 
Sun Dec  4 17:45:47 2016 [*] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]                                                        
Sun Dec  4 17:45:49 2016 SENT CONTROL [*]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,ifconfig-ipv6 2001:910:1370:ffff::1 2001:910:1301::1,tun-ipv6,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS 2001:910:800::40,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS 2001:910:800::12,ping 5,ping-restart 60,route-gateway,topology subnet,ifconfig'
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modified
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 ROUTE_GATEWAY IFACE=wlan0 HWADDR=00:15:af:5f:33:56
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 TUN/TAP device tun0 opened
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 TUN/TAP TX queue length set to 100
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 do_ifconfig, tt->ipv6=1, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=1
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 /sbin/ip link set dev tun0 up mtu 1500
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 /sbin/ip addr add dev tun0 broadcast
Sun Dec  4 17:45:50 2016 /sbin/ip -6 addr add 2001:910:1370:ffff::1/64 dev tun0
Sun Dec  4 17:45:52 2016 /sbin/ip route add via
Sun Dec  4 17:45:52 2016 /sbin/ip route add via
Sun Dec  4 17:45:52 2016 /sbin/ip route add via
Sun Dec  4 17:45:52 2016 Initialization Sequence Completed
  • Estou usando o mesmo arquivo nos dois casos ( /foo/vpn.ovpn ),
  • estou usando o mesmo nome de usuário / senha,
  • Essa configuração funcionou perfeitamente por anos,
  • confirma que minha linha de comando via funciona bem,
  • mudei tudo em /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ e criei novamente todas as configurações.
por Clément 04.12.2016 / 18:11

1 resposta


Por incrível que pareça, mover o conteúdo de /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections , recriar com o gerenciador de rede as conexões e reinicializar duas vezes funcionou. A diferença entre meu arquivo de configuração antigo e o novo mostra três diferenças:

  • um no uudi
  • um no ca, que mudou de ca=/foo/vpn-ca.crt para ca = /foo/vpn.ovpn .
  • e removido %código%
por 06.12.2016 / 02:13