Problema de certificado de agente de marionete


Quando estou tentando me conectar ao servidor mestre do cliente; é isso que estou recebendo:

puppet agent -t
Error: Could not request certificate: Error 400 on SERVER: The environment must be purely alphanumeric, not 'puppet-ca'
Exiting; failed to retrieve certificate and waitforcert is disabled


May 20 08:27:20 app-prd-test xinetd[1989]: START: nrpep pid=32449 from=
May 20 08:27:20 app-prd-test xinetd[1989]: EXIT: nrpep status=0 pid=32449 duration=0(sec)
May 20 08:28:02 app-prd-test xinetd[1989]: START: nrpep pid=32453 from=
May 20 08:28:02 app-prd-test xinetd[1989]: EXIT: nrpep status=0 pid=32453 duration=0(sec)
May 20 08:28:26 app-prd-test puppet-agent[32130]: Could not request certificate: Error 400 on SERVER: The environment must be purely alphanumeric, not 'puppet-ca'

root@am-prd-02:/var/lib/puppet/ssl# cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf | grep -v "#"
    logdir = /var/log/puppet

    rundir = /var/run/puppet

    ssldir = $vardir/ssl
    dns_alt_names = puppet,

    classfile = $vardir/classes.txt

    localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
por biz 20.05.2016 / 14:31

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