Problema com o systemd & ksoftirqd


Eu tenho um servidor que executa Debian 8 . Acho que há algo errado com systemd & %código%. De fato, se eu executar um comando ksoftirqd (como systemctl's ) ele não retorna nada e eu tenho que pressionar systemctl mysql restart .

Se eu executar o comando CTRL+C , receberei MUITO desses logs:

apr 06 18:50:27 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 06 18:50:28 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 06 18:50:29 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 06 18:50:31 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 06 18:50:32 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 06 18:50:33 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 06 18:50:35 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 06 18:50:36 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 06 18:50:38 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 06 18:50:39 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.

Além disso, eles usam uma quantidade incomum (eu acho) de CPU:

    1 root      20   0   28888   4404   2436 S  12,0  0,1 170:25.27 systemd
    3 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   7,6  0,0 101:50.61 ksoftirqd/0
   13 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   1,0  0,0 104:21.05 ksoftirqd/1

Por fim, aqui estão os registros logo antes do enorme spam de journalctl -x -e :

apr 05 21:17:02 MrJonhs CRON[13469]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
apr 05 21:17:02 MrJonhs CRON[13470]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
apr 05 21:17:02 MrJonhs CRON[13469]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
apr 05 21:18:09 MrJonhs sshd[13453]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user admin
apr 05 21:19:19 MrJonhs systemd-logind[18619]: Failed to abandon session scope: Connection timed out
apr 05 21:22:16 MrJonhs systemd-logind[18619]: Removed session 269.
-- Subject: The session with ID 269 was terminated.
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Documentation:
-- The session with ID 269 was terminated.
apr 05 21:22:16 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 05 21:22:33 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 05 21:22:46 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 05 21:22:58 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 05 21:23:01 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.
apr 05 21:23:05 MrJonhs systemd[1]: Looping too fast. Throttling execution a little.

Qual poderia ser o problema?

por MrJohns 06.04.2016 / 19:00

0 respostas
