Problema ao conectar-se à VPN L2TP


Eu instalei l2tp-ipsec-vpn‍‍ de ppa:werner-jaeger/ppa-werner-vpn .
Ontem eu consegui me conectar à minha conta L2TP vpn com sucesso.
Mas depois de reiniciar estou recebendo isso em syslog :

Mar 07 21:16:44.834 xl2tpd[7179]: death_handler: Fatal signal 15 received
Mar 07 21:16:44.835 Stopping xl2tpd: xl2tpd.
Mar 07 21:16:44.866 recvref[22]: Protocol not available
Mar 07 21:16:44.867 xl2tpd[7225]: This binary does not support kernel L2TP.
Mar 07 21:16:44.867 Starting xl2tpd: xl2tpd.
Mar 07 21:16:44.868 xl2tpd[7226]: xl2tpd version xl2tpd-1.2.8 started on my-laptop PID:7226
Mar 07 21:16:44.868 xl2tpd[7226]: Written by Mark Spencer, Copyright (C) 1998, Adtran, Inc.
Mar 07 21:16:44.868 xl2tpd[7226]: Forked by Scott Balmos and David Stipp, (C) 2001
Mar 07 21:16:44.868 xl2tpd[7226]: Inherited by Jeff McAdams, (C) 2002
Mar 07 21:16:44.868 xl2tpd[7226]: Forked again by Xelerance ( (C) 2006
Mar 07 21:16:44.869 xl2tpd[7226]: Listening on IP address, port 1701
Mar 07 21:16:45.898 xl2tpd[7226]: Connecting to host, port 1701
Mar 07 21:16:50.903 xl2tpd[7226]: Maximum retries exceeded for tunnel 39372.  Closing.

Estou usando o Ubuntu Lucid Lynx.
Qual é o problema?

por RYN 07.03.2013 / 21:39

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