Para combinar apenas o ambiente mais interno por Regex


Eu quero corresponder ao ambiente mais interno de begin{question} e seu correspondente end{question} .

Exemplo de dados

\section{Takayasu arteritis}

{You get a patient. 
What do you notice first in this patient?}
Absence of peripheral pulse.

{What was the first Takayasu case?}
Young woman in Asia with red vessels in the eye. 
So special eye diagnosis done. 
Affects eye.

Fever of unknown origin can be used when you do not know what is causing the disease. 

% Show cases in MedScape and ask class. 



{What you should always include in Takayasu treatment? 
What are the symptoms?}
Blood pressure.
Aneurysms which will burst without treatment. 
So blood pressure decreasing drugs like beta blockers along in combination with other drugs.

Minha saída esperada é

{You get a patient. 
What do you notice first in this patient?}
Absence of peripheral pulse.


{What was the first Takayasu case?}
Young woman in Asia with red vessels in the eye. 
So special eye diagnosis done. 
Affects eye.


{What you should always include in Takayasu treatment? 
What are the symptoms?}
Blood pressure.
Aneurysms which will burst without treatment. 
So blood pressure decreasing drugs like beta blockers along in combination with other drugs.

Como você pode combinar apenas o ambiente mais interno?

por Léo Léopold Hertz 준영 04.10.2014 / 22:45

2 respostas


Tente isto:

pcregrep -M '\begin{question}(.|\n)*?\end{question}'


  • pcregrep : grep com expressões regulares compatíveis com Perl
  • -M : permitir que os padrões correspondam a mais de uma linha
  • (.|\n)*? : qualquer caractere normal . ou nova linha \n correspondido zero ou mais vezes . , no modo não ganancioso ? .


{You get a patient. 
What do you notice first in this patient?}
Absence of peripheral pulse.
{What was the first Takayasu case?}
Young woman in Asia with red vessels in the eye. 
So special eye diagnosis done. 
Affects eye.
{What you should always include in Takayasu treatment? 
What are the symptoms?}
Blood pressure.
Aneurysms which will burst without treatment. 
So blood pressure decreasing drugs like beta blockers along in combination with other drugs.
por 04.10.2014 / 23:18

Você precisa que seja uma solução pura de regex, ou apenas perlish?

perl -lne 'print if(/^\begin{question}/ .. /^\end{question}/)'  file
por 05.10.2014 / 02:29