Como fazer um loop de controle


isto é o que eu descobri na classificação de uma matriz que já tinha seus elementos declarados como tipo int

#sorting an "predeclared" array 

 typeset -i store BigNum
 let store=0 BigNum=0

 number=([0]=11140344 [1]=3 [2]=0 [3]=2 [4]=11140345 )

  for (( a=0; a <= 5 ; a++ ));
    if (( number[a+1] < number[a] )); then



     # I think BIGNUM can be passed back in a function by writing 
 # return $BIGNUM its passing an array that is the BIG PROBLEM!!!!

 echo $BigNum " BIG NUM always returns the biggest number" 

este é o FOR LOOP com o qual estou trabalhando, está saindo dos limites.

while [[ $x -lt 1 ]]; do

  # my main loop I am working with 
  # to get that greatest number
  # out of the odd ball numbered
  # element put it in order then 
  # get it LOOP
for(( a=0; a<${#lostsongs[@]}; a++ ));

    if [[ ${lostsongs[a+1]}<${lostsongs[a]} ]]; then

        echo "$store val in if 1st for loop larger val"

  # echo $store " Larger Bigger number post if statement"
   let x++

  let x++

esta é a saída do código bom do meu primeiro loop (com set -x).

 echo 3 4 1 2 ' all of the array elements filled are in this order'

é tudo o que estou falando com quatro (4) elementos.

a saída desse loop é esta

 + echo 'store val in if 1st for loop larger val'
 store val in if 1st for loop larger val
 + let x++
 + (( a++  ))
 + (( a<1134 ))
 + [[ '' < store ]]
 + store=store
 + lostsongs[a]=
 + lostsongs[a+1]=store
 + echo 'store val in if 1st for loop larger val'
   store val in if 1st for loop larger val

minha suposição lógica é que

(( a<1134 ))

é meu array.length quando deveria ser 4, que o BASH está vendo fazendo com que o meu loop execute e enlouqueça.

Tudo o que eu gostaria é que alguém me ajude e me escreva um loop de controle para parar meu FOR LOOP na contagem de 4 como escrevendo todos esses tipos diferentes de loops de todas as maneiras diferentes que podem ser escritas para tentar descobrir como para controlar o meu FOR LOOP e pará-lo no 4 está fazendo anotações, me deixando louca.

seria uma grande ajuda, então não posso desistir de praticar minha seta até o último comando Entrar, então Ctrl C reflexos, e escrever todo tipo de loop conhecido pela humanidade e chegar a coisas mais importantes, como aprender a escrever esta sintaxe BASH em conseguir que o FOR LOOP funcione também e tudo isso. se isso não estiver fora de questão, esperamos que não é. ............................

ADICIONADO FAZER A UMA PESSOA PEDINDO MAIS INFORMAÇÕES, ASSIM QUE ISSO É TUDO - NÃO gritar apenas as tampas, de modo que uma pessoa perceba sem precisar adicionar a palavra SEX.

este primeiro script funciona no que estou trabalhando Eu quero adicioná-lo a este script atualize a matriz lostsongs no

# for GNU/Linux                                                        #
# BASH Script                                                          #
#                                                                      #
# converts all the mp3 files in a directory from whatever bitrate to   #
# 128k bitrate.                                                        #
# Then adds an underscore between the artist_name_TITLE_ALBUM from the #
# metadata creates a new file of the same, and Directory and           #
# subdirectory in the same manner eleminating the need to use quotes to#
# malnipulate the data and directiories. then moves the new file into  # 
# same directories and subdirectories. Then deletes the old file.      #
# ffmpeg only takes it to 192k.                                        #

# You can change it to any bitrate you want (WITHIN_SPECS) and even    #
# add the other -args to include the other features included           #
# with ffmpeg  --    works with version ffmpeg 0.8.9-6:0.8.9-1                         #
# put it in any directory then give it the path  you are working on then run it.
#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$                          #
#&  Written By: Mikie Heras Dec. 04, 2013                              # 
#& FINISHED DEC. 5, 2013                    &                          #

typeset -i xf mf sn bn hn

let xf=1 mf=0 bn=5 hn=6


#get MAX NUMBER -- mp3 files in folder
#MAXNUM="$(ls $PWD/*.mp3 | wc -l)"

#so it can sit in the home dir and search what ever folder
# I want 

 MAXNUM="$(find ~/music/ -type f -name *.mp3 | wc -l )"

 mf=MAXNUM #set the count down number

echo ; echo ; echo ; echo ; echo
#inform the user how many files are in the folder

echo $MAXNUM " mp3's in folder MUSIC"
sleep 3
echo ; echo ; echo ; echo ; echo

#search out all the mp3 files in the directory
# set how many I want to convert at a time

  find ~/music/ -type f -name "*.mp3" | while [ $xf  -le 100  ] ; 
do read FILENAME;

#get the metadata tags off the mp3's using exiftool-perl

ARTIST="'exiftool -Artist "$FILENAME" -p '$Artist''"
 TITLE="'exiftool -Title  "$FILENAME" -p '$Title''"
 ALBUM="'exiftool -Album  "$FILENAME" -p '$Album''"

 #replaces all the crap and the spaces 
 #between the names with an underscore
 #"${x// /_}" meaning "${varName//search pattern/replace with}"

newArt="${ARTIST// /_}"
newTit="${TITLE// /_}"
newAlb="${ALBUM// /_}"

echo $newArt
echo $newTit
    echo $newAlb
    #just for good mesure let me see what's going
    echo $FILENAME " before set stipping down.."
    sleep 2

    #strip the old file name off the path from FILENAME
    #over kill but in good measure 

    # assign the file a new name
    # if LOSTSONG no metadata then add a number to the array[0] 
    # 1st element [zero] then incurment hn by one 1 for checking to
    # be sure that it is the right file in the MOVING FILES section

    if [[ ! -n "$newArt" && ! -n "$newTit" && ! -n "$newAlb" ]] ; then

   echo "${lostsogns[0]} that is Lsogn num.. before going to sogn"
    (( lostsongs[0]++ ))
         let hn++

        elif [[ -n "$newArt" && -n "newTit" && ! -n "$newAlb" ]] ; then



    echo $newFile "new file name ..."
    sleep 3

# convert the file to 128k using ffmpeg version 0.8.9-6:0.8.9-1 

  ffmpeg  -b 128k -vol 425 -i "$FILENAME" "$newFile"


if [[ ! -d ~/music2 ]] ;then 

    mkdir ~/music2/

if [[ ! -d ~/music2/"${newArt}" ]]; then 
        echo "making newDir $newArt  ..."
        mkdir ~/music2/"${newArt}"/

if  [[ -d ~/music2/"${newArt}" && \
! -d ~/music2/"${newArt}"/"${newAlb}" ]] ; then
    echo "making dir/sub $newArt / $newAlb .."
    mkdir ~/music2/"${newArt}"/"${newAlb}"/

if [[ ! -d ~/music2/lostsongs/ ]] ; then
    mkdir ~/music2/lostsongs/
    echo "making Lost Dir .."

#this siganls out the newfile uneekly
#if no counter movement then no lost song was found
#to insure that the $newFile is one that has a place in a diffetent
#folder named lostsongs "${foo[0]}" < c && a -gt b 

    if [[ ! -n "$ARTIST" && ! -n "$TITLE" && ! -n "$ALBUM" ]] ; then
  if [[ "${lostsongs[0]}" < bn && hn > bn   ]] ;
    echo "Found a Lost Sogn Yo! .."
     mv "${newFile}" ~/music2/lostsongs/
    let bn++


## if the newAlb is asigned and not empty 
# what to do to check it

if [[ -n "$newArt" && -n "${newAlb}" ]] ; then
    echo "-n newAlb true -- moving file \
     to $newAlb -- newAlnum $newArt " 
    mv -f "${newFile}" ~/music2/"${newArt}"/"${newAlb}"/

if [[ ! -n "${newAlb}" ]] ; then
    echo " -n $newAlb  newAlbum not present moveing to $newArt \
     new artist.."
    mv -f "${newFile}" ~/music2/"${newArt}"/

# getrid of the old file

mv "${path}/$killfile" "${killfile//*/killme}" 
rm "killme"

#Used for MAXNUM or checksum in loop to tell script how many files to convert 
# in the run
let xf++
let mf--    # lets the user know how many files left to do

echo ; echo ; echo ; echo ; echo ; echo "$mf ..... mp3/s left to do ..."
echo ; echo ; echo ; echo ; echo

# with this new code I am working on to update that lostsongs[0]
# I am having problems with this global asignment too. I googled how to
# make an array global and it seems I am not the only one that has this 
# problem - I have yet to find the solution it seems that bash ver has
# a lot to do with it too. 
# GNU bash, version 4.2.37(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)
# it is a string val 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...... 
# with this a=0 ; a < $num or ${array[@ ' num'] being a int? ; a++ 
# in C++ it easier all I got a do is, for ( int a ; a < whatever int ; a++ )
# if I write it ( $a ; .. to get to the valule inside that variable I get 
# an error too then there is the adding inside the element itself [a+1]
# that I am not  sure if bash can do that even. 
# when I check this array after I have filled it with just 4 elements 
# (for test purposes) outside that first loop I get 0 
# BASH don't have a strToint() and IntTostr() that I can find
# to make it easier 


set -x

typeset -i xf mf sn bn hn n  snewnum d  store

let xf=1 mf=0 bn=3 hn=4 n=1 snewnum=0  store=0 n=0

declare -gA lostsongs  # this does not even work

# declare -a lostsongs # this does not work 
 # no globalization of array achieved yet

lostnum="$(find /home/userx/testscripts/ -type f -name "*.mp3" | wc -l)"

# FOR updating the lost song files so as not to 
# over write any

find /home/userx/testscripts/ -type f -name "*.mp3" | while [[ $n -lt lostnum ]] ; do
read FILE;

#echo $FILE  "<-- that is file"
nstring=${FILE##*/} #gets just the file name
lstring=${nstring##I*"("} #chops off Lside to the ( leaving num
rstring=${lstring%%")"*} #chops off Rside to the ) leaving the num

snewnum=$rstring #holds the char of type num 

    echo "lostsongs[$n] = ${lostsongs[n]}  fill array"
    echo ${lostsongs[*]} " all the shit"

let n++


echo ${#lostsongs[@]}
echo ${lostsongs[*]}

#get the hightest number then pass it
#needs to be  array[0]=greatest number then reset count

#for(( a=0; a<${#lostsongs[@]}; a++ ));
#this for does not work because of the -lt synax
#for (( a=0 ; a -lt ${#lostsongs[@]}; a++ ));

for (( a=0 ; a < 4 ; a++ )) ;

 ## Move Larger Values to the right.
 # this one don't work
 # because there are no spaces around "<", [[ only sees one,
  #non-empty, argument, and returns true every time.
# if [[ ${lostsongs[a+1]}<${lostsongs[a]} ]]; then

 # this one works 
  if [[ ${lostsongs[$a+1]} -lt ${lostsongs[$a]} ]]; then

# if (( lostsongs[a+1] < lostsongs[a] )); then
  echo ${lostsongs[a+1]}
  echo "${lostsongs[a+1]}"
     echo "$store val in if 1st for loop larger val"

# echo $ store "Publicação do número Biger maior se statment"


#with the way that the last "test script is written in this writting this 
#is the out put 

userx@bw-crunchbang:~/testscripts$ ./testnum
+ typeset -i xf mf a sn bn hn n snewnum d store
+ store=0
+ let xf=1 mf=0 bn=3 hn=4 n=1 snewnum=0
+ n=0
+ declare -gA lostsongs
++ wc -l
++ find /home/userx/testscripts/ -type f -name '*.mp3'
+ lostnum=4
+ [[ 0 -lt lostnum ]]
+ read FILE
+ find /home/userx/testscripts/ -type f -name '*.mp3'
+ nstring='I_HAVE_NO_IDEA-WHO-I-AM-(Lost-Song-Number-(3))-192k.mp3'
+ lstring='3))-192k.mp3'
+ rstring=3
+ snewnum=3
+ lostsongs[$n]=3
+ echo 'lostsongs[0] =   fill array'
  lostsongs[0] =   fill array
+ echo 3 ' all the shit'
  3  all the shit
+ let n++
+ echo 'lostsongs[3] =   fill array'
  lostsongs[3] =   fill array
+ echo 3 4 1 2 ' all the shit'
   3 4 1 2  all the shit
+ let n++
+ [[ 4 -lt lostnum ]]
+ echo
+ echo 0
+ echo

+ (( a=0  ))
+ (( a < 4  ))
+ [[ '' -lt '' ]]
+ (( a++  ))
+ (( a < 4  ))
+ [[ '' -lt '' ]]
+ (( a++  ))
+ (( a < 4  ))
+ [[ '' -lt '' ]]
+ (( a++  ))
+ (( a < 4  ))
+ [[ '' -lt '' ]]
+ (( a++  ))
+ (( a < 4  ))

Portanto, o primeiro problema é tornar essa matriz Global de alguma forma. Como eu disse, o Google está cheio de como eu faço uma matriz global com até agora eu não encontrei uma resposta para os outros que fizeram essa pergunta.

o segundo está transformando Char em valores Int para trabalhar com 'Eu acho que são os dois problemas que tenho outro que o BASH permite Math no lado do elemento? [a + 1] [a * 1] (vezes x 1) [a / 1] div e [a-1] par?

por uxserx-bw 11.12.2013 / 19:09

1 resposta


Isso está errado:

    if [[ ${lostsongs[a+1]}<${lostsongs[a]} ]]; then

porque não há espaços em torno de "<", [[ apenas vê um argumento não vazio e retorna true todas as vezes.

Você quer

    if [[ ${lostsongs[a+1]} -lt ${lostsongs[a]} ]]; then


    if (( lostsongs[a+1] < lostsongs[a] )); then
por 11.12.2013 / 21:28