Instalando o chromium-browser no Debian Wheezy Depende: chromium (= 10) mas não é instalável


Em mini210s da FriendlyARM

# uname -a
Linux mini210s 3.0.8-FriendlyARM #2 PREEMPT Mon Feb 25 14:25:10 HKT 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux

# more /etc/debian_version

Ao executar o gerenciador de pacotes

# apt-get install chromium-browser
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 chromium-browser : Depends: chromium (>= 10) but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.


# apt-cache show chromium-browser
Package: chromium-browser
Version: 37.0.2062.120-1~deb7u1
Installed-Size: 1693
Maintainer: Debian Chromium Maintainers <[email protected]>
Architecture: all
Replaces: chromium (<< 13.0.782.215~r97094-1)
Depends: chromium (>= 10)
Breaks: chromium (<< 13.0.782.215~r97094-1)
Description-en: Chromium browser - transitional dummy package
 Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster,
 and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web.
 Chromium serves as a base for Google Chrome, which is Chromium rebranded (name
 and logo) with very few additions such as usage tracking and an auto-updater
 This package contains the Chromium browser transitional dummy package.
Description-md5: a3cca84948c287f5c01b8b5e9f7e67ed
Tag: implemented-in::c, implemented-in::c++, interface::web, interface::x11,
 protocol::http, role::dummy, role::program, uitoolkit::gtk,
 use::browsing, web::browser, works-with-format::html, x11::application
Section: web
Priority: optional
Filename: pool/main/c/chromium-browser/chromium-browser_37.0.2062.120-1~deb7u1_all.deb
Size: 171526
MD5sum: 58c6c6d6edc015001833642deecd22e1
SHA1: ed23c2239051424e200ef6fdffeacab5212ee162
SHA256: 0292de24f4ce92a02212fb618f7b26047f1062b0f7397cb8de04c66aa8780abc

Passei horas nisto e estou sem ideias

root@mini210s:~# more /etc/apt/sources.list
deb wheezy main

Por que isso está acontecendo?

por zabumba 30.01.2015 / 18:33

1 resposta


O Chromium só está disponível em amd64 e i386 no Debian, por isso não pode ser instalado nos seus mini210s. Ele costumava estar disponível em armel no Debian Squeeze, e por um tempo em armhf , mas foi removido para o Wheezy em março de 2013, provavelmente porque era muito difícil fornecer suporte de segurança adequado em plataformas ARM ... o log de commit para a remoção exata (mas não há mais informações do que eu reproduzi aqui).

Sinta-se à vontade para registrar um bug de wishlist em chromium usando reportbug , mas esteja preparado para receber uma solicitação se realmente quiser o Chromium no seu dispositivo ARM!

por 30.01.2015 / 21:04