AIX: documentação do lqueryvg .. faltando?


Eu quero algumas informações sobre o lqueryvg.

man lqueryvg
Manual entry for lqueryvg not found or not installed.

Na rede não consigo encontrar todas as opções explicadas; algumas opções são desconhecido. Alguém conhece as opções que faltam?

lqueryvg -A     #?
lqueryvg -a     #?
lqueryvg -c     #?
lqueryvg -D     #?
lqueryvg -F     #?
lqueryvg -g     #specify VGid
lqueryvg -L     #?
lqueryvg -N     #?
lqueryvg -n     #?
lqueryvg -P     #show pvs of disk
lqueryvg -p     #specify disk,disk0 for example
lqueryvg -s     #?
lqueryvg -t     #?
lqueryvg -v     #verbose
lqueryvg -Z     #?
lqueryvg -z     #?
por elbarna 11.01.2018 / 16:48

1 resposta


Apêndice B.22 do Gerenciador de Volume Lógico do AIX de A a Z: Resolução de Problemas e Comandos a partir do ano 2000 descreve o seguinte:

lqueryvg - An object file command that queries the attributes of a volume group.
Usage: lqueryvg [-g VGID] [-p PVname] [-N] [-s] [-F] [-n] [-c] [-D] [-a] [-l] [-P] [-A] [-v] [-t]

-g VGID The VGID of the volume group to query.
-p PVname The name of the physical volume that contains the VGID.
-N Returns the maximum number of logical volumes allowed in the volume group.
-s Returns the physical partition size.
-F Returns the number of free physical partitions in the volume group.
-n Returns the current number of logical volumes in the volume group.
-c Returns the current number of physical volumes in the volume group.
-D Returns the total number of VGDAs for the volume group.
-a Returns all the static attributes for the volume group ( ).
-l Returns each LVID, logical volume name and state for each logical volume in the volume group.
-P Returns each PVID, number of VGDAs and state for each physical volume in the volume group.
-A Returns all attributes for the volume group (static attributes, logical volume details and physical volume details).
-v Used only with the -p PVName flag to return the VGID from that physical volume.
-t Includes the tags with the output for the above options.

Há também uma nota perto do final da seção 2.6.7 dizendo:

Essentially, the low-level commands prefixed with l simply act as parsers and front-ends onto the LVM API calls. To gain a good understanding of these commands’ capabilities, one may look up the relevant API call, for example, lvm_queryvgs for lqueryvgs. These calls are listed in the AIX Version 4.3 Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Technical Reference, Volume 1, SC23-4163. Recall, however, that BigVG functionality will not be documented by IBM.

que pode levar você ao Centro de Conhecimento IBM® para a sub-rotina lvm_queryvg .

por 11.01.2018 / 17:23
