O que esse comando sed faz?

sed -i "s/\bforceencrypt=/encryptable=/g;s/\bforcefdeorfbe=/encryptable=/g;s/\b,encryptable=footer//" "$fstab"

Estou tentando decifrar este comando para desativar a criptografia no Android há algum tempo, mas não consigo descobrir.

por Lightn1ng 22.03.2017 / 22:15

1 resposta


do info sed:

     (substitute) Match the regular-expression against the content of
     the pattern space.  If found, replace matched string with

 The 's' command can be followed by zero or more of the following

     Apply the replacement to _all_ matches to the REGEXP, not just the

     Only replace the NUMBERth match of the REGEXP.

Command Line Options: 
     This option specifies that files are to be edited in-place.  GNU
     'sed' does this by creating a temporary file and sending output to
     this file rather than to the standard output.(1).
por 22.03.2017 / 23:11
